I would just like a bit of advice or opinions really...
So when I was 16 I was put on the combined pill for my periods as they were so heavy and painful I used to pass out. The doctor then changed it to he mini pill as I was getting migraines. For a few years I was very happy, my periods had stopped altogether and I was feeling good.
Then for the last 8 months I have been in a lot of pain, chronic pelvic pain very low down. Bloating to where I look pregnant, Back pain, painful intercourse (during and after) bleeding after intercourse, bladder problems (urinate often even wake through the night to go) .
I went to my doctor who referred my to see a gyno. When I had my appointment they sent me for a colposcopy and they took a biopsy from my cervix. My results came back saying I had cervical erosion and hpv. I then had cryotherapy treatment to remove the abnormal cells. The gyno said this could be the cause of the abnormal bleeding but it wouldn't cause the other symptoms.
I was sent for a transvaginal ultrasound which came back clear just that I had a slight forward facing uterus. A few weeks later I had another appointment to see my gyno, I explained that I had done a lot of research myself as I felt I needed to. I explained to them that I was sure I had endometriosis as my symptoms are very similar. I have joined many support groups to find out more information. The gyno agreed to do a diagnostic lap .
I went for my lap and was told that there was no sign of endo and that they had fitted the Korean coil as explained before.The consultant who did the surgery wasn't very helpful, nothing was explained to me at all I was just told everything looks fine. I was discharged back to my doctors. For a few weeks after the lap I did feel ok, I thought perhaps the more a coil was working and I was going to feel better.
One month in fro my lap, I'm experiencing all my symptoms again, the pain is coming more frequent. For me the hardest part was the painful sex, it's ruined my relationship and I've not been able to have sex for about 6 months because it's so painful. So when I did for the first time a month after my op it was just how I remembered it ... Dreadful. The week after I was at work and had to get sent to the hospital because I was in a lot of pain and very sore down below. The hospital said they couldn't do much for the pain as I will need to be referred back to gyno. So I went to the doctors, and have now been referred back .my appointment isn't for another 6 weeks.
I just don't know what to do. Is it possible endo was missed from my lap? I just don't understand how all the tests I've had done have come back fine when clearly there is something wrong for me to be in this much pain.
What can I do? I don't know what else the gyno will do when they see me again either