Hi Ladies, just joined this group as hoping you can shed some light and help me out here and just people to reach out to as feeling really alone going through this awful crippling condition.
Just had my 3rd lap and hysceropy last wk - stage for endo, and recto vaginal endo on bowel. Suffered from extremely painful periods for years, but since feb this year (2017)was getting a period then the pain continued for a further 2-3 weeks (womb, pelvic and severe bowel pain where I not able to sit down much).
Doc said last wk after the lap that he has done everything he can at this stage with the endo and because I have deeper endo spread,and I want a family still, he will not do a further stage operation until a family is complete. Although my tubes were unblocked, he says they are still abnormal and I have a very 'bulky' womb, which he believes is the cause for the pain from the womb to the bowel. He said there is nothing I can do to help this for now. He said I have a very slim chance of a natural pregnancy and as I am 37 yrs of age, he has urged me to go for ivf quickly to help my chances of being a mum.
I am in so much pain right now - my period came a day after my op last week and it is the worst pain I have endured. I have taken mefanamic acid (what dr prescribed after op) to no avail, I am taking ibuprofen, paracetemol and co-codemol - all of which is having no effect either. In the past, with this pain, ibuprofen usually helps the pain a little. I am in total despair, I have been married 2 months, have a very supportive husband, just in the process of buying our first house, off work but without sick pay, in so much pain right now I dont know what to do. Is there anybody who is going through the same and can share their experiences or advise me of what else i could try please for pain?why are no pain killers working? could it be something else?
Docs have said to go away, try for a child or two, if this works, have the coil put in between pregnancies, and then to come back to have a hysterectomy and bowel surgery (thats the only option for surgery left).
My husband is so upset seeing me go through this pain, and has asked me what I want. I have said I want us to have a family (at least try) but to do this, I have to be ready to go through this awful pain each month. I am totally lost, and my head feels messed up with what I do re the ivf and just want to hurry the whole process up. i have an nhs app on tuesday to see what they say about ivf on nhs and I am also looking into clinics in London for ivf. costs for good clinics are £15k plus for one round of ivf. I dont know whether to go for top end clinics or cheaper clinics with lower success rates, any advice on specialised clinics for ivf dealing with endo patients would be greatly appreciated.
I am sorry to waffle on about my issues, in bed right now with a hot water bottle on my tummy, feeling a little positive in writing this message to you all. I know you are not doctors, but it provides me with a little comfort knowing there are people out there who are going through similar experiences and that I can share mine with.
Thank you x