Hello everyone,
I don't know if I'm posting in the right place or if anyone can help me but there seem to be a lot of women here who, after going through so much, have a lot of knowledge.
My symptoms are pelvic pain (internal vaginal pain on one side), an aching/burning pain in my pelvic floor and the pain sometimes spreads to my gluteus and down my leg. My pain is not usually in the tummy/pelvic/uterus area but lower down. It's constant but far worse with sitting. It goes away in the bath or running or yoga.
I also have bleeding between my periods - I have a 28 day cycle but on days 23-26 each month I have like a mini-period (more than spotting/red bleeding like a super light period) that is stop start, then my normal period on day 1 (for 5-7 days). My periods are not particularly painful and are not heavy. I also sometimes spot after sex (although that isn't often as it seems I'm always bleeding or in pain - although sex itself is not usually painful).
When I first presented to a private gynaecologist he said it sounded like endometriosis but the lap was negative. He had a thorough look around and everything looked fine except he found adhesions which he released and noted some mild inflammation but nothing that required treatment.
I then visited other doctors who speculated about pelvic floor dysfunction, pudendal neuralgia, hormone imbalance, dysfunctional uterine bleeding and other things. Multiple ultra sound and a pelvic MRI, all clear. Pelvic Physio relieved pain temporarily but it always returns within hours, Mirena - I bleed non stop for 4 months and period pain was terrible (wasn't before), the pill - I seem to have become allergic to is somehow as it now makes me horribly sick and drowsy it I used to take it for years, hormone testing showed one Estrogen a little high and progesterone low end of normal but progesterone cream made me bleed even more.
I'm at a loss for what to do. What is causing my pain? I don't think it's endometriosis because I don't have the classic symptoms and the lap was clear. Does anyone have any ideas? Is my bleeding a hormone imbalance? What causes that? How do I treat it if the progesterone didn't work? (I really think the bleeding is a hormone imbalance because when it starts on day 23 of my cycle - same day every month - I get acne, sore breasts, a slight period-style back ache etc. just before, even nausea, so weird how it starts and stops every time).
I would be so grateful if anyone could give me any advice. The doctors have no idea what to do with me. Could stress bring on sometime like this? It's been over two years of this now it was a stressful time when it started, out of the blue.
Thanks so much xx