I had a Laparoscopy on Feb 23rd and the Doctor confirmed Endometriosis and removed it from a few spots the most of it was removed by picking up my uterus and removing the endo from underneath it. The doc told my family that he would do everything he could to help me maintain a hogh quality of life and monitor my condition. He told them I had a boggy uterus and birth control may stregthen it and also that he thought that adenomyosis may be the cause for that. He also told them he would keep me on birth control continuously and that the Lupron shot would be a last resort. He also told me at my pre-op that getting a colonoscopy would be the next step as I am suffering from monthly rectal bleeding and randomly pain during defecation also constipation and perdominant constipation/diarrhea episodes. So the reason I am here is because after the surgery 1 week later on the 3rd of March I had my follow up appointmment and my doctor's whole attitude and story changed. He explained where he found the endo and how he removed it and checked the incisions. Then he said I could choose to stay on birth control but I would probably have to have another laparoscopy a couple years down the road. Then he said my second option was more aggressive and would be a shot called Lupron and a med called addback to re introduce small amounts of progesterone into my body to combat Lupron side effects. I asked him if that aggressive of a treatment option was justified for my endo case and he said "yes definitely" and said that his recommendation was to do the Lupron shot for 6-12 months. (This confused me because Lupron was his "last resort" option on the day of the surgery). I said I would stay on birth control for now and think about my options. I asked him about what he had planned in order to keep tabs on my condition and he said that there was no way to monitor it and only that if my symptoms returned I should come back. (Again not what he had said to my family). I then had to ask him about my boggy uterus and he said "there is nothing we can do about it and I am not sure why its like that but it shouldn't affect childbirth... its probably just adding to your heavy cramping." This was also not what he told my family on the 23rd and he also never even mentioned anything about the possibility of adenomyosis. I also had to remind him about the colonoscopy he was rather adament about wanting me to get... he told me that he wouod send a refferal to the gastro team at my clinic. When I got the call from the gastro clinic it was only for a referral for a consult with a gastroenterologist and no mention of a colonoscopy... when I told the scheduling staff that I was experiencing rectal bleeding she told me to call my doctor back right away and request a refferal for the colonoscopy procedure itself not a consult because my rectal bleeding needs to ve checked out right away.... I am just so confused by why my doctor seemingly changed his mind about everything and no longer seemed to care... basically a case of "I did my part, she's not my problem anymore." Why would he seemingly completely lose interest in helping me make decisions and telling me more about my condition. I also had light period spotting for the forst time in nerly two months since he changed my birth control pill and less than 2 hours after the spotting I got rectal bleeding again. Am I wrong to want more answers and more information? I feel like I walked away from my post op with more questions than answers... should I go back and ask more questions of that doctor/gyno or seek a second opinion. Or should I just try to move on treat my endo with bc and focus on finding a gastroenterologist who can figure out and treat my bowel symptoms?