I had my appt to review my Mri results and my consultant has decided that my uterus has to go, I have been fighting all year that I did not want a hysterectomy after having terrible mood swings from the menopause injections, he told me I no longer have an option my uterus is all mishapen and wonky I also have a bicornurate uterus and with having 3 children he believes that has caused my uterus to end up in the state it is in, I also have stage 4 endo and will be having that and adhesions removed, I did put up a fight to keep my ovaries which he agreed to, he didn't mention anything about recovery time and I'm aware my endo will grow bk, anyone have anything they can share on the recovery time and any experience on endo growing bk after hysterectomy x
Hysterectomy recovery time: I had my appt... - Endometriosis UK
Hysterectomy recovery time

Morning, sorry to hear that you have to have the hysterectomy. I had mine 18 months ago aged 34. I battled with endo for years and also had a bicornurate uterus which was damaged after pregnancy. They say the initial recovery period is six weeks but it took me a good year to feel myself again. I had a few complications which certainly prolonged the recovery but now, 18 months later I can say I am truly reaping the rewards. The hysterectomy has changed my life for the better. I went back to work (something I couldn’t do for three years due to the constant surgeries and infections after my son). I started running again, I have a normal sex life and hormonally I feel great (I kept my ovaries). It’s a big op and you can’t underestimate the emotional impact, but for me, if was the best decision I ever made. If you have any questions about the surgery, just let me know. Good luck!!! X
Hi thanx for replying, I know I need the hysterectomy for mine and my children's sake, I was so worried I wouldn't b myself anymore , I have read some horror stories in past about people suffering really bad with depression after hysterectomy and it really put me off I'd rather suffer than put my kids thru that, but now that iv read ur comment I do feel alot better, I have had to cut work also, 1 shift and I was left in agony and unable to get out bed, I'm hopeful that after surgery and recovery I will be able to have a life for 1st time in a long long time, after the birth of my son 2 years ago I was hit with a really bad flare up that has not shifted since the day he was born, al just be glad for a break from the endo for a while. Did u also have ur endo removed? X
I had all of the same fears as you and it’s normal to feel this way before a major op. I had tried just about every hormone going from the pill to prostap but the uterus itself was the problem. I had endo removed from the pouch of Douglas in the March but after a further mri and the continuing pain, I went ahead with the hysterectomy in the June. Touch wood, nothing has grown back and my ovaries have settled down and seem to be working better than they ever did. One thing to mention if you keep your ovaries is that you will still experience phantom periods which was a surprise. I still get bloating and some pain and pmt around the time of the month but nothing compared to what I used to. To be frank, I found the recovery quite frustrating. I think I expected to be back on my feet and a new woman in three months, but the truth is, it’s a long recovery with a lot of ups and downs. 18 months on though and after a good run without any medical intervention for the first time in 7 yrs, it now all feels like a distant memory 😊
I haven’t had one myself but there are a number of really good supportive Facebook groups that it may be worth joining? One of them is called something like hyster sisters and they’re always posting some great stuff. Best of luck, I hope it goes really well for you xxx
I had to have a full hysterectomy in sept this year, after years of fighting endometriosis. I am 41 and have 2 beautiful children. I resisted for years but in the end the pain and the constant bleeding had to stop as it took over my life. Like yourself I had terrible mood swings on the menopause injections and the thought of that frightened me, but I am glad to say that I haven't had the same experience after my hysterectomy. I am still off work as my endometriosis was in other areas which I knew before my op but it has caused some other complications. I am not going to lie and say I feel fine emotionally as I don't. I cry a lot something I never did previously and I have become depressed. My dr seems to think after the years of trying to cope with endo and having so many surgeries (my last one was botched) that it was to be expected. But I would still say that some time soon I will think it's the best thing I ever did for me and my family. Not waking up reaching for tramadol to get me out of bed is a brilliant achievement.
It's not an easy decision to make and every person experience is diffrenet. So good luck in what you decide