Hi there
I was diagnosed with endometriosis back in 2006. I have had 3 laps that have removed endo and I have tried lots of different, unsuccessful treatments over the years. After my first op, I was advised to start thinking about starting family because endo was lessen my chances.
I'm currently having prostap injections with livial to lessen the side effects of the chemical menopause. I have these every 4 week and I've been on them for over a year now and I don't feel that it's working as well as it had been for me as I feel how I do when the endo is creeping in for a bad spell.
My consultant is concerned that there's something else, other than endo, going on in there with me feel like this. I'm having to keep a detailed diary of pain, any bleeding, toilet habits, sex etc. When I see him in March, the diary and the reports from my previous laps at other hospitals will help him decide what the next plan of action is. More surgery and pain management clinic have been mentioned so far.
I don't really want to live my life on different painkillers or go through another operation to be back at square one in a matter of weeks. He's said more prostap probably Isn't an option due to the fact it's not making life manageable.
I'm having a bad flare up at the moment and I'm laid up in bed on zomorph and oramorph to try and stop any breakthrough pain. This isn't living - it's existing.
I have voiced in the past that I would have a hysterectomy to try and gain some quality of life. But with being 30 and having no children they don't want to go down that road yet. My husband and I aren't even sure if we want children and it's more important to us that I'm well.
ANYWAYS.... the reason for my (long-sorry!) post! Has anyone had experience of a fertility test? Is this something that I can ask my consultant for?
I just think I'm going through all of this agony - mental and physical - when maybe my chances of having a baby (even if I want one!) are very slim and then having a hysterectomy could be a option that could improve my quality of life.
Hope this all makes sense,
Thanks for reading