1st lap surgery on Thursday!! : Got my... - Endometriosis UK

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1st lap surgery on Thursday!!

IrishShauna profile image
•16 Replies

Got my first lap on Thursday and am utterly terrified!! Up until now I have been wanting it out of the way, now I am thinking the complete opposite! Any tips on what to expect afterwards, during or even before etc? I am thinking about the worst possible things... 😫

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IrishShauna profile image
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16 Replies
martoosha profile image


so im having my second main one full excision this friday. i had my first lapo in sep and also at the same time ovary removed (just one- it was totally eaten by endo)....

so what to expect...my lapo took 3,5h only because of ovary. normaly around 1-1,5h....

they will give you something to clear your bowel night before lapo. after when you wake up you will feel tired. for me it was painful but i did skip some painkillers and i was trying as min as possible....

the pain from the gas was the worst for me...i wasnt very lucky and i had 2 full days of agony :-( BUT not everybody reaction is the same so dont worry to much. places where they make cuts are brused and painful but it will settle quickly...

i eat lots of organic soup for 4-5days, drunk coconut water from day 1 and pepermint tea for gas pain. take own pads you may bleed. this time im taking like nappies for ladies because it will be more comfy.

its not a plesant experiance BUT it goes, you forget quickly....

im also scared...on friday 8-10h long surgery for me...we have to be strong


IrishShauna profile image
IrishShauna in reply to martoosha

Oh, you must be having lots done on Friday then?

Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it! It's always good to speak with people who understand.

How did you get stuff the night before? As I have hit a letter saying come in the morning of! I'm so worried about the anesthetic, not sure why as I have always come around fine with it but this time I'm so scared!!

Best of luck with your surgery, please let me know how you get on! We can be strong together, Thursday and Friday will be hard for us, I will be thinking of you.

martoosha profile image
martoosha in reply to IrishShauna


ah ok maybe because your bowel is not involved in endo...im not sure. in sep i had only tablets given to me to clean my bowel but for friday i know i will have the serious cleaning ;-) scares of that. yes i have super lots done on friday. im very sever stage 4 and my left side is like wood heard tissue covering all my left side inside (thats what doctor said) also on my bladder and bowel etc.....


IrishShauna profile image
IrishShauna in reply to martoosha


Ah I see, there not too sure exactly how bad mine is or what stage I am at yet so maybe that's why I didn't get anything to clear me out! Expecting the worst, hoping for the best.


Glondon1 profile image

Hey, I have my first laparoscopy and hysteroscopy on thursday too. Doc said it's diagnostic but they will remove anything if they have to.

I've read a lot of posts where people have said they were told to do a bowel prep beforehand..I haven't 😕 x

IrishShauna profile image
IrishShauna in reply to Glondon1


Yes I'm the exact same as you, he knows I definitely have scar tissue however on Thursday they will be diagnosing the stage and minimising as much as he can!

I haven't heard about doing it anything before now, although I was thinking about it only the other day. Nothing is in my pack about it either, just the fasting bit! Think I will just be careful of what I eat for the next few days.

Hope your surgery goes well, nice to know (although I wish either of us where not going through it) I'm not alone on Thursday! Will be thinking of you.


Geordie-Girl78 profile image

I was really scared as well but it's really not that bad !! I remember the anaesthetic going in my hand and the next thing waking in recovery. I found the pain after the lap worse than I thought it would be. Stock up on painkillers for when you get home. I'd recommend a pillow for your journey home this is something I didn't have and found the seatbelt really rubbed against my wounds :(. Be prepared for complete rest afterwards I thought I'd be up and about within a couple of days but not a chance but then everybody's body is different. I was told they would treat anything they could at the same time but this didn't happen which I was a bit upset about which now means further surgery. I was never given anything to clean my bowel out - thank goodness !!

Hope this helps and good luck :)

DaisyDuckUK profile image

I had a laparoscopy in October. My first operation. I'd had a hysteroscopy in May under General and I think that led me into a false sense of security about recovery.

My lap took about two and a half hours. I didn't have bowel prep beforehand. Just nothing to eat from the night before.

I had a rough time in recovery. My blood pressure was really low and they put me on a drip but that just wouldn't go in. I finally went home about six hours after I came out of the op. Going home was agony. Every bump in the road. I cried climbing the two flights of stairs to our flat.

The gas pain was horrid and I had a lot of abdominal pain too. I slept a lot.

After about three days, things got easier. If I still ended up having two and a half weeks off work. I had hoped to do lots of reading or watch box sets, but I was too tired to concentrate on anything like that for the first week or so. I also overdid it by going for a 15 minute walk on Day 6. Some people bounce back quicker but my GP kept reminding me that although the scars are small, it's pretty major abdominal surgery. Lots of raw, sore organs inside.

I'd have found it a lot easier if I'd known how long I would need off work. I'd hoped to go back after about a week.

NaomiBarley profile image

Hi. I had my first Laparoscopy in May 16 and I was extremely scared before hand but honestly no need to be! I was down for approx 2h and in recovery for 5h but that was because I was being sick etc from the anaesthetic. The recovery was fine for me, I was back at work after a week although I probably should have taken a little longer as was still tender but not in excruciating pain, I only went back to get paid 😟 I didn't have anything beforehand, just was told not to eat from the night before. All I took was a dressing gown, slippers and a book as the waiting is a nightmare! Good luck, you will hopefully be surprised why you was so nervous xx


I can see you've had a few replies but thought I'd get in touch too :)

I had my first laparoscopy 3 days ago. I was exactly like you, wanted it to happen but when the date grew closer I wanted to run!

My op was in the afternoon so I couldn't eat after 8am and had to stop drinking at 12noon. But other than that I just tried to keep myself busy! I just took dressing gown, slippers and something to read (but didn't need it as I was earlier on the operating list)

Everyone in the hospital were lovely (made me feel more at ease - despite being in pain and looking like a rabbit in head lights!!) being put to sleep did petrify me but it was fine and before I knew it I was coming round in recovery.

everyone's recovery is different - but when I came round I was in alot of pain - but I was given lots of pain relief to try and ease this. VERY dry mouth!! I felt unwell (sick) and have low blood pressure so was not feeling too special at all. I was also very cold, so cold they couldn't get readings but once warmed up and in less pain things started to happen. I was then moved back to the ward.

They like to see you eating and drinking quite quickly and when you feel sick/faint eating was the last thing on my mind! This went on for some time but once the sickness passed I was able to eat a little something.

I must just say the car journey home was horrid! And that's nothing personal on the driver! you feel every bump/turn/move - try a pillow or blanket to support your tummy but even with that I still couldn't wait for the car journey to end!!

Now at home I am just taking each day as it comes - I am very sore and very swollen (bigger then I ever imagined - buy big joggers/leggings!) i completely took for granted how much you use your core/stomach muscles for practically everything! The first night I hardly slept (couldn't get comfy etc) but since then I've been sleeping 12+ hours! I am tired a lot and don't have much energy/my concentration levels are quite low. I can feel a little improvement though but I think that is more to do with being less bloated from the gas they use - I have been drinking lots of peppermint tea and it's helped me!

I really hope your operation goes as well as it can. Here if I can be any help, even if I am only a message of support :) being on here has helped me - these ladies are wonderful!

Remember to be kind to yourself, no one knows your pain like you but other endo women out there can certainly relate to your situation in some way.

take care :) x

IrishShauna profile image
IrishShauna in reply to

Thank you for your reply, I love to hear from you all. Amazing tips thank you, I think my bag will be getting repacked to make sure I have everything!

Oh dear!! I am not looking forward to my journey home at all. A cushion or blanket is a must! I thought being picked up in a 4x4 might help the bumps but I'm not sure it will, I'm also thinking it's going to hurt like hell just getting in to it!!

Being in here has definitely helped me too as I had never heard of endo before I was told I had it. No one understands unless they have it!! Seeing to everyone post definitely settles my mind.

Thank you so much, I will keep you updated on my recovery! Hope yours gets a lot easier soon. I'm also here if you need someone to message.

Best wishes


I've had 2 laps and was only given bowel prep for the second one - it seems to depend on what you are having done, and who is doing it. The first lap was carried out by general gynae and was intended to be diagnostic + removal of any endo seen via laser. In the end, the gynae didn't treat any of it because the disease was far more severe than he had anticipated (though TBH that didn't come as any great surprise to me).

The second lap was carried out at a bsge centre and I did have bowel prep for that. It means they can put you in what they call the trendelenburg position where they tilt the table (feet higher than head) which tips your pelvic organs down towards your chest so that they can see exactly what is stuck where. It gives them easier access to everything.

I did have complications with the first surgery and the recovery was difficult. The second was much easier - I didn't need anything other than ibuprofen for post surgery pain and although I was very tired and slept a lot for the first week, I was driving and doing the school run 6 days after the surgery. It was a 30 mile trip home the day after the surgery and that was fine.

You will have some bleeding after the surgery and you'll want soft, stretchy clothes with a waistband you can sit away from your bellybutton. It is important to be up and about and doing a little walking as soon as you can after the surgery as it will help your recovery.

Clare_jane profile image

Best of luck, and you will be fine trust the professionals.

Make sure you have plenty of fruit juice/smoothies to help your body recover. Also I found that taking senicot is far better for afterwards than the powder they give you.

Hot water bottles and pillows will help make you feel comfortable. My mother brought me a vibrating pillow, which I found help move the gas inside.

I found the codine they send you home with helped at night to sleep but I could only take one at a time other wise I was in cloud coocoo land 😂.

And do not push yourself too much too soon, recovery period is different for people depends on their body, me it took nearly 4weeks till I went back to work on light duties.

Also have books, and maybe try some adult colouring to hand, as day time TV gets rather boring 😂

amy-28 profile image

Hi I know you have had a lot of replies but thought i would tell you my experience too! As i was reading loads of people comments before mine. I had mine 6 weeks ago and have my 2nd this friday to remove cyst as it had got too large for the 1st surgeon to remove it. I had never had surgery before in my life and was petrified of being put to sleep and also what recovery and pain would be like after and the first thing i said to my husband when i got home was when i have my 2nd op i won't be scared about those things as they were all so lovely with me as i was nearly in tears i was so frightened and the recovery although uncomfortable for me the pain wasn't as bad as my endo flare ups but make sure you keep on top of your pain meds throughout the next few days even if it feels like its eased a bit still just stay on top of them and you will be fine! I found sleeping on my back hard as i never do this but in comparison this is a very small niggle! :) and also take peppermint tea for the pain from the gas for 2-3 days this really helps!

Best of luck for thursday it won't be as bad as you think if you need anything feel free to dm me :) xx

Lou7707 profile image

Hi ShaunaDuff

Having a laparoscopy is a daunting prospect. Here is some in depth info about the procedure and what to expect after.


I do hope things go well for you on Thursday and wishing you a speedy recovery. If you need someone to talk to after the procedure we have a team on the helpline who would be happy to listen!



Endometriosis UK

IrishShauna profile image

Thank you all so much ladies! You have definitely eased my mine. Nervous this morning but it would be strange if I wasn't! Will keep you all posted. Martoosha and Glondon1 best of luck for today and tomorrow. Xxxx

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