Hi everyone!
At age 25 I was diagnosed with endometriosis on my ovaries following a laparoscopy. I've always had extremely heavy periods lasting around 10 days and at worst needing to change an orange tampon every 45 mins. I also suffered from terrible constipation and shoulder pain during a period. I had to use a TENS machine for abdominal pain.
My husband and I tried for 3 years to fall pregnant with 2 failed rounds of IVF. I was very lucky to fall pregnant by chance after giving up hope and now have a beautiful, nearly 3 year old daughter. We feel our family is complete and do not want any more children
I expected some kind of relief after giving birth and my periods returning (I had been told that from various people and my consultant) but my symptoms became worse. Mainly abdo pain and heavy periods resulting in me not wanting to leave the house.
I have tried various conservative medical treatments such as zoladex, the coil and depo injections more recently. The coil and depo injections left me bleeding daily. This obviously has an impact on our sex life and sex now can be painful.
After a discussion with my consultant early this year, I am now on the waiting list for a hysterectomy. I felt that this was my only hope for a normal life and freedom from this bleeding every 4 weeks. He was very understanding and has said that at the last minute if I decide not to go through with it he will just do another laparoscopy.
As the time is fast approaching and I am just waiting for a phone call with a date I am now starting to question my decision to have a total hysterectomy (ovaries, tubes and cervix) and be on HRT.
I desperately would like to hear from other people about their decision making process in what treatment is right for them and if hysterectomy is the answer, how has it been?
If anyone can give me some advice I would be very grateful! Thank you!