Private hysterectomy : Anyone had success... - Endometriosis UK

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Private hysterectomy

5 Replies

Anyone had success of getting a hysterectomy privately at aged 30?

Just asked an NHS consultant for a hysterectomy as its been a 3 yr wait for laproscopy with zero progress and I have absolutely had enough of this.. it was an outright no. I have been struggling with really terrible suicide thoughts and depression from the medicine which they gave me to stop periods- there answer was yet another hormone pro-strap . I have ruined my career prospects (failing my studies) and life because I have ovaries. Apparently at aged 30 after pain since aged 11 I am not informed enough to make that decision.... can't help but feel this is laughable I am sure if I was male and had painful balls for 19 yrs I would be allowed that right . But apparently I might decide to have children we have had sex once in a yr... so I don't really think pregnancy is a reachable goal...

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5 Replies
635703 profile image

Please summon enough energy and strength to write in to PATIENT INFORMATION AND LIASON SERVICE at your NHS Trust.

Save your money if you can. They have to respond in so many days and have to resolve your complaint fully. Outline your message here including your NHS number. Ask to see a Medical Psychologist for help with your mental health, pain management, and relationship with your partner. Tell them about being suicidal also. Aswell as the grief of the hysterectomy.

Ring Endometriosis UK helpline - google times open on website first. Do this tomorrow if you can. Ask them for information on a BSGE hospital near you and find a skilled and experienced Endo surgeon. They can help you find this out on the phone.

It’s such a lot we have to go through but you are never alone. We are here with you in the mud and those who have gone before you might be able to offer more emotional support than me. I have Endo and Chrons and am housebound waiting for Social Services to send in Carers. Never had a career but scraped through Uni. Diagnosed 7 years after I flunked my Graduate Training Scheme 😭

I have seen fantastic results myself from this advice given to me by helpline volunteers who have Endo and do such a fab job!

Grab yourself a cuppa and crack on tomorrow. Do what you can manage. DM me if you need help and I will respond when I can. Tomorrow might be tricky but will do my utmost to respond asap.

So much love to you - it’s a lot! We women are so mistreated at times - not cool! 💗🥇The system fails us regularly 😤☹️🤬🤯😭😶‍🌫️😱

Shorty9 profile image

Hi, In response to your post, I am 35 been struggling for the last 10 or so years but always suffered from day 1 with heavy periods. Finally diagnosed with adeno and endo last year. Originally told no to hysterectomy due to my age (prior to laparoscopy which gave diagnosis)

Since last May I have not had any further follow up from my gynaecology team at the local hospital, my gp ended up getting in touch with them to try and get my follow up which came back in the form of a letter to say some endo found and real answers and as vague as you like. Started zoladex in Oct and its been a game changer for me worth its weight in gold. I was supposed to have a review in March.....never happened and no idea of the extent of wait as they couldn't say. I am on zoladex still without any add back hrt as I chose not to .... 6months was bareable.

I have since found a private gynae who also works at the hospital I am listed with. She has been amazing, I had 2 consultations and I am now booked in for a total hysterectomy with ovary removal. We looked at pics from my lap which showed more than just "some endo" discussed my rubbish quality of life pre zoladex and this is the best option for me. I do not have children but am happily married for 14 yrs and very clear on not wanting my own children .

So to answer your question, whilst it's begrudging to pay private as I pay my taxes, its the best decision for me which I could have made.

It might be worth having a consultation with a private gynaecologist (make sure they specialise/specialist interest in endo etc) and go from there, you can always have the treatment via NHS. Sometimes just having a plan and answers in place makes the wait more bareable? X

Goiaba profile image

I am 30, have had 2 unsuccessful laps and have now been listed for a hysterectomy. I had to fight a lot and strengthen my arguments to convince my drs that I knew exactly what I was asking and unfortunately I was only heard once I started bringing my husband to the appointments to reassure the drs that we do not want children, as they all seemed extremely concerned with what HE thought of MY decision regarding MY own body.

I do understand how you feel at your limit but please please do try a little bit more before spending your money privately so you don’t end up like me - in pain, in debt and on the waiting list for a new surgery only 9 weeks after the private one.

My suggestion is to compile all the questions they have asked you, all the reasons they gave you as to why you can’t have a hysterectomy and do your research to have all the answers to their ‘concerns’. You’re absolutely right! How can they expect you to get pregnant if you can’t even have sex? How can they expect you to be responsible for another life if you can’t even live your own because of your pain?

Please do near in mind though that the hysterectomy is not a cure for endo and some women still experience symptoms after it. Im not saying that to discourage you, but you must have all the information and weigh the pros and cons.

I hope you can find a dr that hears you and get sorted soon without having to sacrifice so much anymore 💕

Katinldn profile image

So sorry you are struggling. I had a hysterectomy privately at 34 for the removal of adeno and endo. I’d already had multiple laps prior for endo/complications of and was absolutely miserable. I was in agony everyday, bleeding heavily and had no quality of life. I had a total hysterectomy (removed womb/cervix but kept ovaries and tubes) and it helped massively. Sadly, my endo did return so a hysterectomy will certainly not cure everything, but removing the adeno improved my symptoms dramatically and I now live a pretty normal. I was incredibly blessed that I already had a young son so there wasn’t the discussion around children but you know your body and no one should be making that decision other than you. I tried every hormone treatment going including Prostap, which absolutely destroyed me and after three months I came back off it so I can totally relate to how you were feeling on that -please inform your healthcare provider how the hormones are making you feel so they can find you an alternative. I know it’s exhausting when you feel so unwell but keep fighting and keep complaining until you are heard as a three year wait for a lap is crazy! Hope you get the support you need xxx

635703 profile image

how are you getting on lovely? 💗

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