So after everyone's helpful advice on here I have decided to go through with my laproscopy. Feeling a bit apprehensive as to how I will feel after, and if they will find anything I'm at that stage where I'm now thinking it isn't endometriosis and will be a waste of time. I don't need to be there till this afternoon so have the morning to get organised. Thanks for all the advice.x
Lap Today: So after everyone's helpful... - Endometriosis UK
Lap Today

Good luck today xxxx
Good luck sweetie. Let us know how you get on.
Good luck ,
I know exactly what u mean i kept thinking before my first lap what if I end up putting myself through this and it's all in my head and they find nothing,I've now been told it's bak and severe and I stil feel the same waiting for op no.2.Im sure there's plenty of us that feel like that prob because it isn't a wel understood ilness and we often don't feel believed as people can't see it !?
Anyway sending big comforting hug ur way x
After u may have the trapped air in ur chest, some times it is quite sore others not so much but try and get a hot bottle or heat map, hold it over ur chest and rock gently.. Good luck
Good luck today hope you find the answers to what's going on good or bad at least you know what your dealing with xx
Hope all goes well for today. Let us know how it goes and how you are. X
Thanks for all your comments I'm back home after my Laproscopy. No endometriosis was found which is good I guess, just means there is no obvious reason for all the pain I suffer. Pain isn't too bad at the moment but I'm probably quite dosed up on pain killers.x