Hi All had a terrible weekend again in so much pain in my hips. Can endometriosis cause pain in the actual bones in the hip or am I barking up the wrong tree and perhaps should be asking for other tests rather than a lap when I visit the Dr today??? Thanks guys xx
Hip bone pain: Hi All had a terrible... - Endometriosis UK
Hip bone pain
Sounds like you might need to see a orthopedic doctor.
Are you sure it's in the bone or just feels like it is? Mine in like that sometimes and actually in groin and back . Acupuncture really helped me x
It feels like it's in the bone and then goes down into my pelvis, my uterus area is so tender and I get on and off pain in my back, what causes your pain? X
I have been told my sacroiliac joint is inflamed and can cause this pain but I think it is my endo returned that has triggered it as this pain came when I stopped my pill last year for 6 months...despite asking doc 4 times to see gynae he wouldn't send me. I was under the rheumatologist for joint pain and he said can be caused by inflamed surrounding tissue so said gynae ref would be good. I am waiting for physio. Acupuncture really helped me but obviously is expensive x
Is your pain in both hips? Is it cyclical or worse during periods? I'm on my fifth day today of pain in my right hip, back, pelvis and down the right leg which I'm told is sciatic endo. Codeine and ibuprofen help a little, walking helps more. Good luck.
I have exactly same pain in left hip bone and have been x rayed,scanned for arthritis,tested for RA( all normal) but do have Osteoporosis.But ,like others have said,I am convinced it is endo causing it and also the sacro illeac pain as both pains disappeared when I was on GNRH drugs which stopped periods and all my endo pains.The hip and back pain have returned as I have had progesterone jabs stopped due to recently diagnosed osteoporosis-its a viscious circle.
Worth checking out other causes and trying to see if the pain worsens cyclically.
I have hip pain very badly along with my lower back, feels like the bones are burning, so you are not alone. I've also seen a chiropractor and had actupuncture but personally seen n
...........no benefit to this
Hi I had issues just like this and it wasn't until I saw a physio through pain management that I found out I had a twisted pelvis (can be through injury - nope, pregnancy - hella nope, having one leg shorter than the other - dunno maybe? or shuffling to compensate for the pain). I'm still having problems even though I've done all the exercises and worked on my core strength.
I have pain like this also....can be fine for days and the debilitating. I've tried a chiropractor and acupuncture. What I also discovered was that I have a twisted pelvis so over 3 months have started seeing a sports therapist who gives me a massage workout that has aligned the pelvis back into position and now I have 3-4 wks massage top ups....this has also helped with my endo pain so would recommend a sports therapist x