Pain on inside of hip bone?: Does anyone... - Endometriosis UK

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Pain on inside of hip bone?

montana09 profile image
27 Replies

Does anyone have pain on the INSIDE of their hip bone? When I do, its a very sharp pain. Like someone is drilling into my bone. Sometimes, the whole bone burns! Its so painful, it makes me light headed and sick. What causes this????

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montana09 profile image
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27 Replies
thedogsmother profile image

Sorry you're experiencing pain. Yes I do, although currently I'm on prostap injections and pleased to say in no pain at all. I'm absolutely in love with that drug!!

I don't know if I'd have called it a sharp pain, but I can identify with the drilling into the bone part. What medications are you taking? Have you had any scans? Has your Dr examined your hip?

jojo-34 profile image

Sorry to here your in pain. I too have severe drilling/stabbing/aching/burning pain in my right hip, which radiates down thigh, buttock, back, legs. Iv had surgery on my hips for a labral tear so put it down to this until i realised i was getting it when i ovulate and a couple of days before my period .I kept going to the doctors as i was sure the hip pain was coming from my pelvic area but radiating into my hip but the doctor reassured me it was my hip, after being very persistent i had a lap last week and iv been told iv got severe endometriosis on my uterus, ureter and bowel. Have you been diagnosed? Have you had your hip assessed?

Nic160671 profile image
Nic160671 in reply to jojo-34

I have been having pains in my right hip, buttocks and down what feels like the middle of my thigh for a few months. So isn't sure but she had mentioned endometriosis a couple of times. I am back at gynae this week about the pains as I thought it could be caused by my uterus sling!.... I have fibromyalgia and severe IBS and my body just feels wasted.... I've been in bed since Sunday as I can't get down the stairs.... my back is too sore and I feel so sick I haven't eaten.....

How do they diagnose endometriosis?

Any replies would be so welcome.

Thank you xx

Jan1976 profile image

Hello, how often do you get the pain? I used to suffer hip bursitis (stabbing hip pain, travelling down the outside of my thigh to my knee). Had a steroid injection into it, but that didn't work. I kept a diary and noticed that the pain increased every time I ovulated; had a course of acupuncture and that made a massive difference and I also started taking the pill, which stopped ovulation and stopped the pain. I have a little hip pain now, but nothing compared to what it was.

victoriap1 profile image

how funny, this is exactly what I'm experiencing right now at this moment. left side 99% of time. it varies, sometimes it's around ovulation, always during period, sometimes continues 2 weeks afterwards, sometimes the whole month, sometimes continues after ovulation.

I'm taking the alternative/holistic route and find acupuncture helps massively and now take co-codomol/paracetamol which are better than ibroprofen for me, they take away these symptoms, however I don't like the thought of being on them permanently so suffer for as much as I can.

I have multiple fibroids too so have all that to contend with as well.

bla! it's tough being a woman sometimes!

stay strong :)

Weezeconfused profile image

I also have the exact same pain in my right hip. It feels like something is scratching/burning the inside of my hip, and then the pain runs all the way down the front of my leg and into my lower back. It is always worse during my periods and for a week or 2 afterwards. I have been given amytriptyline for it, but I didn't react well to it, and it only made a difference for a short time.

I had an ultrasound on Tuesday and I'm hoping this is going to lead to a lap to finally find out what is wrong. It is great to know I'm not the only one who gets this. I don't know what causes this pain but I hope to find out soon! Take care and best wishes.

Nic160671 profile image
Nic160671 in reply to Weezeconfused

I hope you find out soon.... x

vickiesouthampton profile image

I relate to what you are all going through, I have endo & abdominal adhesions. When I ovualted & during a preiod I used to get horrendous pains inside my hip, its so hard to explain exactly how it feels but I relate to the drilling, my pain used to radiate down through my leg & my groin & into my back. I'm on a hell of alot of pain killers including morphine just to keep going these days, I had zoladex for nearly a yr which really helped & I am now waiting to have full hysterectomy which I am having my op on 10th feb so fingers crossed it will work & put an end to all my pain.

Just remember girls you arent the only ones going through this & there are plenty of women out there to talk to who can relate to what we are all going through.

Good Luck to you all & hope you get to the bottom of whats causing your pain montana

Keep your chin up girls xxx

Nic160671 profile image
Nic160671 in reply to vickiesouthampton

Good luck with the next stage of your treatment. Gynae had suguested a transfer vaginal hysterectomy to try and get rid of the pain and the bleeding.

I hope it works for you

Nic x

montana09 profile image

Thank you all so much! Support from other women really makes a difference! I did have a lap over a year ago and was diagnosed with severe endo. I have been told recently that I now have sciatica. I am on the pill and do some aromatherapy. I'm only 22 so a hysterectomy isn't an option now but I beg for one now and then! I have an appointment in a couple weeks and will ask about this pain again. I wish I could get more response from doctors instead of head nodding.

Kazb75 profile image

I have this sort of pain and it's due to my endo on the uterosacral ligaments xx

MrsGizzard profile image

How bizarre! I've also had this, but I have had every lady shred of the utero-sacral ligament shaved. No difference. But I'm wondering if its actually nerve damage from my badly botched c-section 2.75 years ago. I'm now demanding an x-ray to make sure they haven't left anything behind.

daffodil profile image

Oh - I am actually feeling this very pain as I write ! I have for years said to my GP I felt it was to do with my endo,as it disappeared ,along with all my other pains when I was on GNRH agonists and come back since been on Depo (progesterone jab).I had hips xrayed for arthritis and bone density( got lowered bone density).no arthritis and also had physio for immobile sacro iliac joint -at very lower part back,where there are 2 dents in lower pelvis at back.I think,like other ladies,this is to do with endo.I am on Gabapentin which is for neuropathic pain and this is helping quite a bit -I can at least put my foot down now.Also on mega doses Tramadol,Dihydro and paracetamol but these do not take this pain.I think it is either an endo nodule pressing on nerves or nerve damage.Probably more likely pressure on nerve as nerve damage causes numbness and strange sensations.I have nerve damage from Menigitis in feet and they are numb and buzzing.

Amb43 profile image
Amb43 in reply to daffodil

This sounds similar to me, along with the deep hip pain, both sides, I get a tingling sensation in my buttocks and down to the back of my upper legs which always preceeds a bowel movement, and a buzzing sensation in my cervix/rectum are which I can also feel in my feet at times. I was tried on Gabapentin but I didn't tolerate it, it put me on edge, like I was wired but totally exhausted, and had body jerks. Most recently I have been put on Nortriptylene as pain drug for my lower back pain, alongside cocodamol, tramadol, oramorph. I would love to know if you get any answers. Sorry for your pain. x

hkmb72 profile image
hkmb72 in reply to Amb43

I am so sorry for your pain. I am replying to your post because I have had severe pain like this since 2001. I had a unterine suspension because my ob/gyn told me my uterus had prolapsed. Sadly, there was now improvementent after the surgery. That was in 2002, a couple months ago I finally had a hysterectomy and found out that I had severe endometriosis underneath the uterus and on my rectum. Can't believe my OLD ob could have missed that, but thankfully my new gyn caught it. 2 days after the surgery I felt better than I had in 13 years, surgical recovery and all. I hope this info helps you.

I found this forum because I am having some pretty bad pain inside my hip, I entered some key words in the search and came up with this. After having read through some of the replys here I am wondering if I could have some endromitriosis on a nerve in my hip or something. I have never heard of this before. I have had xrays and a mri that came up with nothing.. but the pain is definitely there- similar to what I went through getting the other pains resolved!!!

I am very thankful that so many people have shared their experiences with this. It has given me new hope for getting rid of this pain.

Nic160671 profile image
Nic160671 in reply to hkmb72

I can't believe how many women have this problem. I just searched sever pain inside right hip bone and hey presto!!

I hope you get on ok!

Nic xx

givemeananswer profile image
givemeananswer in reply to daffodil

Thank you, maybe I'm not nuts afterall!

Nic160671 profile image
Nic160671 in reply to givemeananswer

I'm sure you're not. While I read everyone's comments so much falls into place about my pain. I have severe lower back pain, hips are both sore, pain in lower abdomen and down my thighs around my periods but sometimes all month..... feeling like the doc has been body swerving giving me an answer.... x

steph_jewel profile image

I know the feeling well I have this on a daily basis its very uncomfortable and painful as not Heat pack or hot water bottle can reach the site of the pain. I currently take gabapentin for this pain and also sciatica and its not as bad but I still have it xx

Amb43 profile image

I have suffered daily with lower back and hip pain. I kept getting these symptoms dismissed so I did my own research. Endo on the Uterosacral ligaments, Pouch of Douglas and Pelvic Wall, as well as Adenomyosis (Endo-like condition but in the wall of the Uterus) can cause this. I set up a group on facebook for ladies with this pain and now have over 280 members, we also have a highly regarded US Endo Specialist, who, when his precious time allows, is willing to answer questions. We have lots of ladies with hip pain, lots of articles to read, and advice from others, we don't profess to have the answers but like to spark off ideas to speak to your Doc or Gynae about. You would all be most welcome. If you join, let me know you met me on here. xxx

givemeananswer profile image
givemeananswer in reply to Amb43

I'm not on facebook, : ( Don't really want to be either, find opening my emails is enough

Do you also have a website forum going I could link to ?

Momaid profile image

I started going to the gym 2-3 times a week back in June; had a lap to remove my right ovary and a dermoid cyst at the end of September and then developed chronic pain and general inflexibility on my right side (why is it always the right side?). I have been diagnosed (over the phone) by a physiotherapist as having trancheric bursitis brought on by my gym sessions plus lots of dog walking. It can also be the result of having one leg shorter than the other, injury etc. She's given me some exercises to strengthen my right buttock muscle as she says it's do with an inherent weakness in this muscle that results in the inflammation of the bursa. Definitely worth consulting a physio to see if there's anything they can recommend to investigate further and relieve the pain in the interim.

givemeananswer profile image
givemeananswer in reply to Momaid

HELLO! Your speaking my language! Always been on the right, ironically though i had multicystic ovary on the left. Here in Canada they wouldn't take just one ovary back in 2003 anyway. My MRI showed mild bursitis and I'm an avid trail dog walker. HaHa. I was actually thinking more toward myofascial pain however which i just read about today it's when muscles tense up too much from not enough rest I think though im not an expert. Good luck Momaid! I have a history of endo on my uteosacral ligaments and cul de sac that's reoccurred frequently. Leaning to this as a cause as well.

mamaj profile image

Bone spurs?

zoemca profile image

I had this every month for nearly 3 years, i described it as someone sticking a hot poker into my bone, kept trying to convince the doctos it was endo, some even suggested I should see an ortho, in the end went private, doctor finally believed me, I had surgery a week later and they removed it, 14x17cm mass of endo. Unfortunately 8 months later and the pain has started again so I'm back off to dr. Hope you manage to get some help.

hkmb72 profile image
hkmb72 in reply to zoemca

Hi zoemca- how does this get diagnosrd?

givemeananswer profile image

Thanks for posting montana09, I now feel like I've returned to the mother ship. I'm not alone anymore!

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