Does anyone else experience horrendous shooting pains in their hips? I’ve been having agonising pain shooting between my left hip and left ovary area for about a week now. Nothing seems to get rid of it 😥
Shooting hip pain 😖: Does anyone else... - Endometriosis UK
Shooting hip pain 😖
Hey, I get this during ovulation and heat pads can help a little bit.
It is linked to endo then? ☹️
It can be, I think if it’s really severe pain that stops your daily life, then yeah it could be endo
That’s what I was afraid of ☹️ Seeing the gynae in a couple of weeks so will talk to her about it. Thank you
Is it your first gynae appointment?
No, I’ve seen quite a few over the years. Had a lap in 2013 - my bowel and uturus we’re stuck together. Actually been referred to gynae this time for fertility treatment as I’ve got PCOS and Dr wants to put me on clomid after ttc for 5 years. Been getting what I thought was endo pains again with awful heavy periods for the last few months with this hip pain ☹️
Worried that it will be difficult to get a new gynae to take it all seriously
Yes, I get these sometimes. I agree nothing much seems to help.