what do you find the most effective pain killers that work for you? normally I take neurofen when the pain is mild, if its a bit more then naproxen, or really bad I use tramadol. but today nothing is working. x
Painkillers: what do you find the most... - Endometriosis UK

Hi there,
The only thing that works for me is 60mg dihydrocodeine tartrate and 60mg codeine phosphate and my hot water bottle, tram makes me feel sick. Sometimes when my pain is at its worse that doesn't even work hope your doc sorts you out something that works soon x
Thank you. Yeah tramadol makes me feel a bit sick too and very drowsy and dizzy. Codeine didnt really help me. Its just when my pain at its worst nothing seems to help and i hate it. Xx
I find 2 tramadol and a cocodamol 30/500 with a hot water bottle knocks me out but at least I get away from the pain.......

I cant take co codamol they make me sick. but 2 tramadol normally knocks me out. I took 2 last night, half hour later I was drowsy, 1 hr later I was asleep. but soon as I wake up this morning the pains back. its just getting too much for me now x
It's worth remembering that you can still take paracetamol/ibuprofen alongside Tramadol/Codeine. I find that sometimes that little bit of extra relief really makes the difference. If the pain goes on for a few days at a time then remember also that paracetamol builds up in your system, so taking it regularly (even when it doesn't hurt for a few hours) will make it more effective when the pain comes. Obviously you can't do this indefinitely, and it depends how your pain is - if you don't know when its coming and it only usually lasts a few hours its not much help. It is a good trick to use if your pain is predictable though (e.g. usually lasts 2-3 days).
I'm not a doctor, but I have been in lots of pain between a hip problem and endo and that was the advice I was given at my hospital.
Oh, and I find Naproxyn isn't much help. You could try other anti inflammatories such as Mefanamic Acid or Acroxia to see if they help more.
I hope you get some relief soon x
Thank you! That's a great help! Will take some neurofen/ibuprofen now along side my tramadol. I have been in pain since Thursday and its not going away. Really need to find something to make this pain manageable xx
I haven't tried it myself but some ladies at my support group say amitryptaline works, sorry for the spelling :/ its one of those many uses tablets.....maybe worth a shot.......

Thank u, i'll look into seeing if i can get some. Xx
Mefenamic acid is the only thing that touches it, and it concerns me it's getting harder to find! Took five pharmacies last time!
Thanks! Can u buy it over the counter? Or is like a prescription thing? I'll try and get some xx
It's a prescription drug - it's also used for arthritis but is prescribed for heavy bleeding (I believe). I was given 3 x 500mg tablets daily but found they set my stomach off a bit, so I asked for 250mg and now just take whatever I need.
Even i am on Tramadol pain killer and it always works for me. I was prescribed for my arthritis pains which was instantly treated thanks to tramadol. But one thing i have come across that tramadol works different on different pains and sometime even age and gender also matter for relieving the pain.