What does everyone take for pain x
Painkillers worth taking: What does... - Endometriosis UK
Painkillers worth taking

I take Ibuprofen and cocodamol with 30 mgs of condine. This takes the edge off be is far from effective due back at the gp to discuss pain relief going forward. So would be interested in seeing what others use/have found works for them x
Mefenamic acid , naproxen , co codamol 30/500 Xxx
Tramadol 50mg. With paracetamol if needed x
Cocodomol 30/500 daily to take edge of pain, oxycodone when the cocodomol isn’t taking the edge of the pain and oxycodone tablets that are 12 hour release tabs when flare ups are bad, the oxycodone liquid is great at taking the pain away completely but it wears off super fast x
I take tramadol when pain is unbearable...but two cocodemol
N pregalibin before bed...
Tramadol or tramadol and ibuprofen on really bad days but the nausea from tramadol is vile. I find strong painkillers end up with me playing guess what’s a symptom and guess what’s a side effect game 🤔
Paracetamol, naproxen, transaxemic acid, tramadol (only if it’s very bad.... I’m not going anywhere and can cope with the spaced out side affects!)
I try to use heat patches, hot water bottles, tens machines and exercise (whenever I have the energy and am well enough!). The exercise is fab in dealing with the emotional and anxious side of Endo
I can tolerate codeine or cocodamol
Tramadol & Mefenamic Acid. Tramadol falls under drink/drug driving laws in the UK so I can not drive when taking it so it does affect what I can do if I take it. To be honest, though, it is worth it. On really extreme days it isn't always enough but it has brought me a massive amount of pain relief most days. The Mefanamic Acid is an anti-inflammatory and I have tried Ibuprofen and Naproxen before - this is more effective.
It may be worth mentioning that I can not take medication containing acetaminophen/paracetamol because I have adverse reactions to it.
I have taken tramadol for 6 years and am now taking CBD oil. My tramadol dose is slowly reducing.
Naproxone and paracetamol for daily pain. I found tramadol to be the devil 🤢🤢 makes me vomit and just feel horrendous and get pretty nauseous on codeine based stuff so avoid those. When I have worse flare ups I take diclofenac as a suppository which is great (found all the anti inflammatorys work better than other drugs). When it's really bad I take oromorph but as it's morphine based I try to avoid it where poss. It's so true that I have to take so many pills - pills for pain and then pills to combat all the side effects 🙄🙄🙄
Was previously taking codeine, ibuprofen and paracetamol. (different combinations on different days). That stopped being effective so am now on Naproxen for daily management. This seems to have dulled the pain a little bit so I can a least focus during the day.
Im allergic to naproxen x
Interestingly different here? Naproxen daily. Temgesic and oromorph prn. Not at the same time though. I favour the temgesic but only because it makes me care less. I haven't actually found anything yet that removes pain completely and my gp is reluctant to refer me to the pain clinic.
I'm curious. How do you manage the risk of addiction for some of these meds? This is one of the worries at the back of mind.