Hi im new to this site so please bear with me, i had heavy painfull periods for years that seem to get worse after each of my children ( i have 4) the drs gave me the myreana coil which as strange as it seemed i could feel it in my womb and bled constantly till in the end i told them to take it out, the drs sent me for a scan and a appointment to see the gynae, the scan reveald small fibroids and that was all so the decision then was to have a endometrial ablasion ( cooking of the womb ) a couple of months after surgery i thought wow is this what periods should be like, but then it started to get heavy and clotty again then the pain started creeping back in, 6 months after surgery as my period started i had an intense pain the crippled me my husband thought he would need to phone an ambulance as i had gone grey in colour, i went and seen my dr that day which she said i think you have passed a bladder stone as they are extremely painfull and hurts when weeing she put me on antibiotics and sent me on my way. time for the next period and the pain started again lasting my whole period untill up to this point where even when im not having a period i get period pains, bloating, joint pain and acid indegestion, so the drs sent me for another scan and did the ca125 blood test the scan showed nothing externaly but internaly showed little fluid filled pockets in my womb wall and the ca125 blood test came back slightly raised the dr says it all points to endometriosis but that can only be confirmed via a laparoscopy, back to the gynae i go, he said he is going to do a full hysterectomy with removal of my ovaries, my concern is will he see the endomeriosis once he has opened my tummy up as most people have a laparoscopy first with excision to remove endo thats attached to organs, he says i will be put on HRT as im only 39 not knowing much about HRT will this not still feed the endo thats left if there is any what im worried about is even after a hysterectomy could i still have problems from endometriosis or will the hysterectomy stop it sorry its long winded but the pain from it can be scarey as its not a normal period pain feeling, i would love to hear if anyone has had a similar experience and even from ladys who have gone through sugery and how they feel after
thank you