Hi everyone I just needed an outlet I feel so low and don't know what to do, I've got my period this week and in a lot of pain and struggling to take care of my own things but I have worries about my dad he has type 1 diabetes and has had a quad bypass and a below the leg amputation and he has hospital appointments to keep check on these but he has missed the last 3 and is now going to miss another this week I feel I should take him because it's not safe for him to miss them but I don't know if I can manage lifting the wheelchair out of the car etc and my boyfriend doesn't want me to as he knows how I am with my endometriosis and especially this week
I also live almost 90 miles away so I couldn't do them all, my auntie normally goes with him and my uncle drives but they keep arguing so he won't ask them
I don't know what to do everything was okay until they took his hospital transport away too but if I can't do it who will and the stress is causing me more pain I am so worried!