Today I feel really frustrated. I haven’t been able to do anything for days. Even basic house work. I miss so much just being able to clean the floor or do my washing. I never thought I’d hear myself say that 😂 I’m struggling so much to accept I have this endometriosis and miss the way I was before. It has made me realise how lucky I am in so many ways but it still gets me down. I just wondered, how do other people cope with coming to terms with it?
feeling low: Today I feel really frustrated... - Endometriosis UK
feeling low

I'm in the same situation and feeling hopeless. Came here looking for ways of coping too. As yet I don't know what those are, but you're not alone x
Thank you for your reply. It feels like no one around me actually realises how much it is effecting my day to day life. They all say it’s not forever etc. It feels a relief to be able to talk to others who understand.
Thank you again. Hopefully we will both find ways to cope. X
I had CBT to help come to terms with the loss of my ‘normal life’. It’s a lot to deal with. It’s worth looking up the spoon theory, helps explain chronic illness and the struggles we face to those around you. I’ve found that with a bit of organising/pacing, I’m managing to try and get a semblance of life back. Xx
That sounds good. I shall look it up. Thank you. I think that’s a good idea cbt. It’s so much to get your head round xx
It really is. I was in a particularly bad spot post surgery as I had such high hopes of it fixing me - but I still struggled with pain after. The CBT helped along with new medication. I’ve realised the only way forward is to find something that works for you. Accepting there is no magical fix is difficult, life may not look as planned but you can pivot and create a new normal. 🤍

Hi Fk1982
I hear you. It’s really tough when you’re feeling low, and sometimes it can feel like you’re stuck in that place. Healing is a journey, and even small steps count.
Give yourself the patience and care you need. It might take time, but you can absolutely get there!
Thanks for sharing - here if needed

You're welcome and yes, this is true and familiar!
You can have a more interactive chat here with a representative that also has endometriosis themselves.
They'll be able to share expectations for your future.
Here are all the ways in which you may chose to connect further
You'll find shared stories from other women there too, which should reassure you of your relatable journey
it’s shit innit!
I do exactly the same… I have fluffy dogs and a rabbit and I sometimes find myself just staring at the floor where their hair has built up and then burst into tears because it’s been weeeeks since I was last able to hoover and feel like such a failure!
I’ve found not one thing works..but a load of little things and you have to find what works for you, but the utmost important thing is self compassion and self love and care! It’s so very hard not to be hard on ourselves.. but that never helps! Life is hard enough, be kind to yourself as you would if someone came to you with the same struggles!
As others have mentioned CBT or some other sort of talking therapy can help. There’s a lot of grief involved that people don’t realise, not even those going through it! You can quite literally mourn your own existence!
I second Spoon theory it is excellent for explaining to those around you! And in general for learning about your own parameters! And once you learn to pace your spoons you can find the energy to clean up all the fluff on the floor every now and again!!
I do the (annoyingly) obvious of finding joy in the little things..I can’t walk my dog anymore on big adventurous hikes, but I can play with her in the house and still get to enjoy her company!
I know none of that’s at all very helpful and we all wish someone would just give us something that ‘fixes’ us/makes it all go away. And I’m really sorry about that!
Know you’re not alone, reach out, reach out and reach out some more!
Delve into self healing and know that it is fixable/manageable and you can get some parts of you back but more importantly you’ll find newer parts of yourself you’d never of met if you weren’t in this journey! I for one am learning to be softer..more feminine, gentle, slower…I used to be an unstoppable battle axe, could and would do anything, laughed at the very prospect of crying at a Disney film but now..I’m different and it’s..interesting! I’m learning about new sides of myself I didn’t even know existed in me! So if you can look at it in that way instead of thinking of it as a loss of who you are then the mourning becomes a bit more manageable! We all change, many times through our lives, sometimes without realising it, and this is just another one of those times!
I hope that helps in some way…but it is So. Darn. Hard. Sometimes (pretty much all the time). As always, you are not alone!