Hi all, further to my post earlier in the week, I went in for my surgery Tuesday. I was supposed to be out same day however was in surgery for a good few hours and he had ended up having to make 4 incisions and I had a catheter in. He performed excision of the endo which was in the vaginal vault, a cystoscopy and ureteric stenting. He had to make further incisions as he needed move my bladder out of the way and my urethrer tubes so he wouldn't damage them. I am home now, feeling ok just tired and sore as expected. He has put me on antibiotics as he said my bladder was very inflamed, however no evidence of endo in there. I have a lot of confidence in him, even though he is new consultant to me, but I am hoping and praying this is the last surgery I have. I spent 10 years being treated by same consultant and trusted him implicitly. With the fact that the new cons said that hrt after my ovary removal in June was wrong thing to do, and the fact that I still had a large amount of endo left I am now wondering whether I actually needed to have the hyst and ovaries out, although endo was found inside my uterus and my ovaries, so I guess I did. Is this called adeonomosis?? I feel let down and I know I need to look forward now and be glad I found the new cons, I guess I just feeling a little low post op. Also, the ureteric stenting, do these stay in? I didn't ask, and had my letter today to confirm what he did, and it states it was done but I don't know if they leave those stents in, didn't think to ask when saw him after surgery. Anyway, hope this post finds you all well. Lots of pain free hugs sent to you all xx