Hi Everyone,
Thought it best to post on here as I'm sure you will understand.
I'm due a laparoscopy on the 20th May, as the consultant suspects I have endo and adeno (the latter due to my lumpy womb that he discovered on an internal exam on the 1st April). Since the appt with him and the internal, where I discovered that the internal reall hurt and gave me another added symptom, I have found that I am having more pain in my stomach, and public area. I am also finding that I have more of a feeling that I need to see more, but I can last for more than an hour before I really have to go. I have also found that shoulder and right arm pain is increased (wonder if this is due to taking my pill without a break this month as we were on holiday).
I have this along with the usual pelvic pain, lower back pain, pain down my legs, in my hips, and maybe even more palpitations. I am so used to some of my symptoms now they just seem normal. So the hot water bottle has been out in force and I've even taken co-codomal (after years living with IBS and spd whilst pregnant, I have a high pain threshold I think).
Just feeling really low about it all and hope that it endo and that they can remove as much as possible. Not really sure where the endo could be, but due to my symptoms in lots of places I feel. I'm going to make a list to take with me to my laparoscopy, so I can task to the dr about areas to look at whilst they are doing the lap.
I'm off to see my chiropractor tomorrow, so in some ways I hoped my back/pelvis/shoulders are out of line, as at least then she can correct it and I should get some pain relief. Although as she said at my last appt 3 months ago, she doesn't know what I'm in so much pain and suffering so much when my back etc isn't that bad. My dust allergy seems to be acting up, so am wondering if I am getting the start of hay fever on top too. Prescription antihistamines and nasal spray aren't enough by looks of it, so will have to order some of my homeopathic stuff which helped last year. Not sure if the allergies acting up could be affecting the endo?
I have advised my husband that I could well need help for a week after the lap, and maybe more it just depends on what they do. As no one really appreciates how much I put up with each day and for so long now, I am going to make sure when I have the lap that I really do take it easy and get lots of help.
I also seem to have lots of wind issues and even diarrhoea, which although I've had IBS for 20+ years seems to be bad at the moment, along eight the bloating. (Consultant mentioned bloating but as I have been dealing with this since my teens due to IBS i don't really take any notice normally). I do have an intolerance to wheat, which I am going to cut right down on again, but I can't say that I've been eating more than normal recently. Not sure if this is just the IBS or another flare up of endo symptoms.
I really do hope that the lap shows up endo and adeno as then at least all my pains and symptoMs are due to something.
Anyway thanks for reading my essay of a moan!
Lisa x