Hello all hope everyone is not suffering too much. So my last post I had just come out of hospital after having all my endo removed and boy was there a huge amount of it. Anyway I came home with a catheter in as my bladder was a bit shocked so I couldn't wee! I had a nice weekend at home but as we got to the Sunday night (18th May) I started to feel very poorly. Feeling sick, horrendous back pain, temp going up and down. I was crying my eyes out I felt so rough. Looking back I should have rang the ward that night as my room was on open access as I was going back in on the Monday to try without catheter. I just thought well I've had major surgery what did I expect so I took some painkillers and tried to sleep. Not a very good night and by the morning I was getting worse by the second. I was expected at the hospital at 11 but my husband took me earlier. I nearly collapsed in the car park luckily a porter was passing and ran and got a wheelchair. Get back to the ward and they are crazy busy! So busy that my room had been given away!! So here I am practically on the floor and I'm shoved in the day room! They kept coming and checking my obs and they took the catheter out. I just felt worse and worse and worse. Couldn't wee so tummy is getting more swollen and painful. 2pm they find me a bed! Then they scan and bladder is crazy full so back goes catheter. They took a urine sample and even though my wee is the colour red they're still doubting it's infection!!!!!! Finally a lovely doctor comes along and takes bloods. He also comes across a urine sample result from the week before!!! That shows I have a raging urine infection. He claimed the results came up that day but I'd gone home the Thursday the week before! My mother in law is a nurse and she said if you've gone home the nurses just file your results they don't check them! WTF!! So finally at 4pm they get me on IV antibiotics and a drip. The catheter bag is a colour like you've never seen with clots passing through. Not nice! That evening my temp went through the roof, had nurses damping me down with wet towels doctor rushed in to take more bloods. All very crazy. But once calmed the drugs did the trick. So I stayed in all last week. The thurs we tried without catheter again. It wasn't easy but I managed to start squeezing some wee out. Not as much as they'd like so they said I could go sleep at home but go back in for the day Friday for monitoring. Went back in Friday and luckily with a lot of effort I did my best wee yet!!! Woohoo! The doc was happy to discharge me finally. So I was home for my birthday on Saturday which was lovely and relaxing and Sunday I was bridesmaid at my sister in laws wedding. It was a huge struggle and I needed every painkiller under the sun but I wasn't going to miss it. Under strict instructions now to take it easy. They scanned internally last week as well and found quite a big fluid deposit between bladder and ovaries. It's basically like bruising and will be from the surgery. It'll go down in time but it explains why I couldn't wee and then in turn got an infection and also why I have really bad stabbing pains in my tummy. I still don't know when I need a wee I just don't get that feeling of needing to go at all. So every 2-3 hours I make sure I go. It takes a good 10 mins to push a wee out and I have to bend right forward on the loo! Lol. It should go back to normal in time. It's really important I try not to leave too much in my bladder though else I'll be back in on the catheter.
On a really really positive note apart from all the surgery and internal bruising pain I no longer feel that constant daily lower back/pelvic pain. I'm so used to it that it feels bizarre it not being there! I'm so happy though. This operation was really life changing for me and fingers crossed once I'm recovered I can get pregnant asap!
Feeling sore and sick today but happy I'm now on the road to recovery. I know that it can come back and I will prob be moaning again in time but for now I will enjoy the time I get endo free!!