I am on morphine codine parrs burtans pain patch iberprofen
What is the best painkillers for endometr... - Endometriosis UK
What is the best painkillers for endometriosis? Still waiting for my op (can anyone help pls )

It varies because endo can grow on so many different organs and tissue causing different types of pain from nerve damage neuralgia to blood irritation pain when it bleeds.
So there isn't a one drug suits all situation as each of us has a different pattern of endo growth.
There are drugs which will not work at all in some ladies (and men) - as illustrated by a recent article in the DM
And if you are finding codeine ineffective -then you should ask your GP about this enzyme issue and get checked to see if you are not compatable with that type of pain killer.
In which case no point taking them and you need switching to alternatives.
Butrans Patch, the Codeine and Morphine are all in this group - the Ibuprofen isn't, so it could be that your body is just relying in the ibuprofen at this point - and perhaps Naproxen or Voltarol would suit you better.
You should discuss your pain meds with your GP if they are still not killing the pain. Best of Luck finding drug that does help before surgery.
Thank u very much 4 ur reply love it's what the docs have put me on so that why I have been taking them been to hospital and they told me to get a refural them to pain clinic just thought I would ask what has worked 4 mire people xxx
Personally for me, I found only tramadols helped me cope with the pain. The pain takes over my life. I use heat patches for work as tramadol can cause drowsyness. So I only take them at home. Hope this is some help jessiepie, thats my personal opinion what helps me the most. Take care xx
Hi jessiepie, I currently layer up. So regularly take 2 x standard paracetamol every 4 hours. On medium pain days, I take tranexamic acid. High pain days, tramadol. And I can't take it anymore days, alternating between tramadol and tranexamic acid - so tramadol, then at 2 hour mark take the Trans. Obviously, not exceeding the daily max dose.
Tranexamic acid can be obtained from your pharmacist, and is designed for period pain.
Tranexamic Acid is a blood clotter drug that helps stop bleeding when your own blood supply is over stretched trying to heal up wounds from endo and the uterus which are bleeding. It is only available on prescription in the UK and should not be taken for more than 4 consecutive days in the month.
I'm wondering if Libby has confused the name with something else. At any rate you can ask your GP for the Tranexamics if your periods are heavy and lasting longer than a week, but they are not a pain killer in the normal sense of pain relief. They may help towards pain relief by assisting in the successful clotting of wounds quicker and that may in turn help pain because endo bleeds and the blood irritates other tissue that it lands on, so the less bleeding the less likely your body will suffer from the irritations of those bleeds.
I tried everything and found the best for me was 2 x codryrdamol every 4 hours then topped up with tramadol when pain was really bad. Couldn't work when taking tramadol though as made me very 'floopy' also sometimes swapped in 2 x paracetamol for the codryrdamol every now and again plus took 1 dulcolax before bed to stop me getting too bunged up (tmi but the constipation with codryrdamol makes everything very uncomfortable and painful!) good luck x