I know it varies, but for the south east on the NHS, what the average wait for a lap you are referred for one?
what is the waiting time atm for a lap? - Endometriosis UK
what is the waiting time atm for a lap?

Hi foursimplewords
I waited about 3 months, I think this is around the average time for most people.
If your hospital does the pre-empt trial then they try and get you in within the week. I was given a date for the Friday and my appointment had only been on the monday, but I had to postpone 3 more weeks x

sorry my love what is the pre-empt trial?
It's like a trial for how to treat endo, they give you a lap and randomise the treatment they give you and then ask you to fill in regular surveys to see if what they've given you has improved your condition or not. I signed up for it and did all the paperwork but they didn't find any endo so they couldn't carry on with it, but it sure shot me to the top of the waiting list!

ooh interesting. What have you been diagnosed with instead?
Nothing, was discharged from the gynae services at the hospital but my regular gynae thinks they may have missed some, but I reckon a lot of the problem is my bowels and pelvic floor x

the guy who did my ultrasound told me I had a good pelvic floor lol! how odd...
My pelvic floor is trashed, years of anxiety have broken it to the point where it's constantly so tightly clenched I'm in pain. That's a lot of the source of pain as using t dilators and pelvic wand have found pressure points that can sometimes relax the pain x
I live in the South East and had an appointment with my gyne end of November 2017 and was told the next available date for a lap on the NHS would be the 26th April 2018. A week or so later I decided to go private and was told they could operate the next week, this was right before Christmas and I couldn't get time off work so last minute. I chose to have it done in January 2018.
It really does vary though and depends on your gynes availability too.
I'm in the south east of London - Greenwich / woolwich way and saw my consultant Dec 2017 - was told initially my lap would be feb / march however now told because of the bed block crisis the earliest I'll be seen is October. I was so so Upset as about 80% of my time I'm in pain, i'd already been signed 2 months off work and I just felt I couldn't wait another 8 months when the 4 I've been waiting have been so unbearable and miserable. I chose to move my gp down to where my parents live in the SW in the hopes I'll be seen sooner - got my consultant appt within a month of referring so it looks more promising. If you're outside London in the SE I assume things will be quicker but always worthwhile calling the trust you are booked under and asking. My trust didn't even have the courtesy to tell me about the backlog - it was only when I called up last month to say I hadn't heard anything that I was told - very rudely - they were only taking cancer patients and anything 'non-urgent' is not being seen. Fingers crossed you get the surgery soon xx
I'm in Oxfordshire and was told by the consultant gynaecologist I'd have to wait for 6 months for a laparoscopy at the very earliest - more likely 8-12 months. In the meantime I've been referred to the pelvic pain clinic for physiotherapy: apparently all the muscles in my pelvis are tight and knotted from years of period pain to a point where they can't relax. I now get pain at ovulation, and before my period as well as during. I waited 6 months just to see the consultant and it will be another 4 before I see the physio. Hang on in there - hopefully you'll be luckier than me with getting an op date!!