4 weeks after lap and pain is getting wo... - Endometriosis UK

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4 weeks after lap and pain is getting worse, is this normal?

minizo profile image
11 Replies

Heya, I'm new to this, just had my first lap and been diagnosed with endo. They've burnt off (can't remember the real word) endo, and after time the pain is just getting worse and I'm spotting still. Is this normal or expected?? Should I see my Gp?

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minizo profile image
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11 Replies
Princessm profile image

Hello I was told it was normal when I asked the same thing on here as your meant I give it three months for the pain to go but this isn't correct. I had my lap dec 30th 2013 January was pain free an beginning of feb I was back down the doctors with awful pain. My doctors believe it to all be back ad I'm now getting pain in my left hip and they think it's spread to my kidneys. I'm now waiting to see a gyne again at the hospital to talk about a second operation. Go back to your doctors (: xx

minizo profile image
minizo in reply to Princessm

I've got an appointment tomorrow now to check it all out now, fingers crossed its all fine. I've had the same sort of thing with pain, I was free pain free after the first week and then it just starting getting worse, actually in more pain now than the day after the surgery. Xx

floppsy profile image

Hi mimizo I've just had my 4th and am in more pain than before. Defo go back because if they don't re-examine you at least you can get some stronger med's.

I got gabapentin but not working. I hope you get sorted quickly xxx

minizo profile image
minizo in reply to floppsy

Am definitely going to get pain killers! I was never given any originally as the hospital forgot to prescribe them, but I was managing fine on paracetamol to begin with so I didn't bother chasing that up. Won't make that mistake again! Xx

curlyjo profile image

I'm having the same problem. Mine was 3 weeks ago and I can't reduce my pain killers .. infact it's getting worse. Did you have a merina fitted? I did too, and am spotting very slightly.. I think that's normal. I'm going to tell my doctor tomorrow however, about the pain increase, when we discuss my return to work (probably not!) and see what he says. Friends tell me to give it time, but the comments from our sisters on here seem to suggest a re-examination. Hope you get somewhere with this! x

minizo profile image
minizo in reply to curlyjo

I didn't have the median fitted, I had the none hormonal coil fitted awhile go, way before my diagnosis, as I'm not good with hormone contraception as it makes me nauseous all the time. In the end I had to have it out as it made pain so much worse. I don't know if this was because of the endo or not though as I had no idea I had it then. Though I can say when I had it fitted I was sore for a bit and spotted for a while and that was without having a lap too! So it's probably adding to what the lap would cause. Never ignore you're body if it's telling you somethings not right! Hope everything goes good though at the docs xx

Sheri26 profile image

I believe that your first period could be still painful after a lap, are you due on at all, maybe once you have had one you might feel lots betters, I remember my last op took about six weeks to recover from x

minizo profile image
minizo in reply to Sheri26

I am due I think, not looking forward to it. I've dragged myself back to work now, but I'm regretting it xx

chilton0211 profile image

hi minizo, I had my first lap in august last year and ever since things have been getting progressively worse, I went back in november and they told me it had to be another problem and endo could be elsewhere that they didnt explore (bowels etc). I would go to your gp, and then your consultant in your follow up appointment and tell them exactly how you feel so they are aware and talk to them about the possibility of it being somewhere else, as we all know how hard it is to get doctors to listen to us! I think the experience of having everything moved around and interrupted inside sets off the irration of it possibly being elsewhere, or thats what i think anyway. I spotted for quite a long time which looked like 'old blood', i think its your body reacting to having been poked around alot.

also, when you get back to work stand your ground about what you cant do because of the op. dont let them make you carry heavy boxes like i did!

minizo profile image
minizo in reply to chilton0211

I haven't had anything about a follow up with my consultant at all? Is that suppose to happen? I've seen my gp, and thankfully he's pretty good, however the hospital have told him nothing about my surgery, all he knows is I've had it and I've been treated for endo, which makes me worry. The hospital told me very little about it too, all I know is that I've had it removed from my ovaries and fallopian tubes and a sack from somewhere else, don't now how bad it is, and as they told me while I had just come round I'm not very clear about it. Am I suppose to know more? Xx

chilton0211 profile image
chilton0211 in reply to minizo

I had exactly the same issue, and I'm sure we're not alone either. your follow up with your consultant should be about 2 months after the procedure, so give it a week or two and I'm sure (fingers crossed) you'll get the letter in the post to tell you the date. I had my lap in august and they wanted to follow up late december. I phoned repeatedly because i was so ill and managed to get it brought forward which you have an option to do due to them having cancellations. when i went home the next day after my lap i was told nothing of the procedure, what they had done or how bad it is. i don't think they realise the emotional strain it puts us through not knowing! especially waiting to hear if your fertility is okay. i found out eventually when a letter had been sent to my GP, despite it saying on the bottom of that letter that i had been told of the information on it in hospital!!!

Im so sorry you've had the same experience as me, its horrible. what i can advise it to stand your ground and ring your consultant if you need to, however maybe wait a week or two to see if the letter comes. its not quick unfortunately...

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