Had hyster on wed due to endo and adeno being discharged tomorrow. Not seen dr since op she came to see my husband said womb out ovaries out start hrt tomorrow. That was it. I dont know if she found any endo anywhere else if she removed it etc just got 14 days premarin to take. Argh
Is it normal to have no follow up after h... - Endometriosis UK
Is it normal to have no follow up after hysterectomy?

Sorry can't answer your questions but wanted to wish you a speedy recovery and my best wishes.
Barbara x

Thank you. Recovering well x
I had a hysterectomy 7.5 weeks ago. The doc saw me twice in hospital and I had my post op appointment on Monday. Tell the nurses that you want to see him before you are discharged.
Best wishes for your recovery xx
I've been in hospital for 5 days with other post op issues. There were 4 girls on the ward during my time there having hysterectomy's and only one saw a doctor after the op and that was because she asked. The rest were all told follow up in 6 weeks. Good luck x
I'm 17days post-op from hysterectomy. I asked to see Consultant when in hospital but he was busy so they sent another person, who just talked "doctor jargon" then left before I could ask any questions. When I was discharged I was told I would have a follow-up appointment sent in the post for 6-8weeks time. Hope you're healing well xx
You should have a follow up appointment between 6-12 weeks post-op. Consultants tend not to speak too much after you've come out of theatre because you're too 'drugged up' to fully understand what was said.
Wishing you a speedy recovery. X
I had my follow up 6 months after my hyst. And I did start my HRT until a year later, just as a precaution. x
I had a good chat with senior staff nurse last night and feel reassured I'm being treated same as consultants other patients - I was shocked she doesn't see you at all. Just on call if they think she needs to see you. I went into a private hospital through the nhs and couldn't fault the nurses, health care assistants etc etc were all fantastic really attentive, helpful and caring. Food lovely own room etc. Just surprised a doctor doesn't see you before being discharged. Had hyster wed at 2pm and thur about 4pm got told " miss sharma said you can go tomorrow if your ok" thank you for all your replies. Those of you who have had ovaries removed I would be interested what hrt you are on as I've been given premarin which says on leaflet "tell your Dr if you have had endometriosis" and to take one with progesterone in it as well. The road to recovery begins