Well, yesterday evening was the perfect time to change sensors and put a new one in for the next 10 days. I had to stop the old sensor since I didn't want to go to bed without knowing any readings/numbers. So, I stopped the old sensor and waited 15 minutes before inserting the new one around 8 pm ( like you're suppose to so the system doesn't get confused). This is good because the old sensor started having some issues during the day. One of the issues had been going off with false alarms and kept giving Sensor Error messages on and off. This started to be a big headache for me since I never knew when the old sensor was going to either fail or keep going until it was suppose to stop on its own. So, instead of waiting for the 10:22 pm finishing on its own alarm, I waited for some time after dinner had ended to deal with the changing because it wasn't giving numbers at the time, anyway.
Oddly, the old sensor lasted 9.5-10 days, so I didn't bother calling to say what had happened this time. If the newest sensor that I'm using has any trouble before the 9th or 10th day of use, then I plan to ask for a free replacement to be shipped to me.
As for the new sensor, it has been working pretty well so far. No complaints at the moment. Watch this space for more updates coming soon! Stay safe, happy and healthy!