Hi and good afternoon everyone. Here's an update dealing with the sensor that had been removed and the new one put in yesterday evening. Sorry for the delay in posting this, but the time for replacing was after dinner last night and by the time there was a number being shown, at was after 10 pm.
I'm amazed that the sensor had lasted the 10 days since there were a lot of issues for the last two days. At one point, I thought the old sensor was going to fail on its own since it took a while to come back in the afternoon hours. It seemed that every single time I wanted to think about replacing it, then that was when it decided to start working, again. The last time it stopped working, then that's when I finally decided to remove the old sensor and stop it for good so a new sensor that I have on me right now could be used starting overnight for the next ( hopefully) 10 days.
When I have to replace this sensor that was put in last night, I will have to also replace the transmitter for the next 3 months coming up. The one I have for this 3 months is suppose to expire on January 20th and then I have to get rid of it. The battery is still okay, but low. The receiver had flashed a message about the battery life of the transmitter twice yesterday to remind me to change it. Hope the new transmitter will be okay when the time comes.
Well, this is the update for now. More to come very soon. Stay happy, healthy and safe.