Well, it's Saturday and I'm getting ready for inserting a new sensor this afternoon. So far, the one that needs removing is still working! I got alerted that there's still some time left before the sensor is going to turn off on its own and then I can insert the new one around 2:45 pm (USA time). I always like when the sensor stops on its own when it's suppose to be changed that correct day and time so it's one less step for me to deal with at the time.
This week has been a little odd when it comes to my jnumbers and waking up in the morning hours. For the last few days, I either had to have a mini pre-breakfast snack so I wouldn't get lower walking to and up/down the steps before getting my breakfast ready for the day. When I have been up, the numbers had gone to either 90 mg/dl or 103 ->. This morning, my number after testing was 130 mg/dl and 140->. I didn't need a mini snack before breakfast today, so that was already 33 carbs. less than yesterday morning!
As I was typing this posting, I had to go and change the sensor. No issues earlier than suppose to for changing. That's a good thing.
Well, this is all for now. Look for a new update coming in the next week!