When you're not at home, what snacks do you have on the go, or at work?
What snacks do you have on the go? - Diabetes Research...
What snacks do you have on the go?

Well it used to be fruit, lots and lots of fruit and the odd yogurt, sometimes frozen, with melba toasts, sometimes topped, for desperation. Or maybe a crumpet or a thin, topped or filled or a handful of a breakfast cereal. But now it would have to be veg, so a carrot instead of apples, vege soup, if I'm home, or a sugarfree jelly with berries. And if all else fails 30g of 10% fat Turkish or Greek yogurt on the top of the jelly. A revelation after years of lowest fat ones.

I don't really snack a lot at work or on the go. I usually stick to my regular meal times. I do keep my Jelly Babies and Snickers bars close though in case I go low or have a hypo. I suppose if I was going to snack I would have a couple of biscuits with my mid-morning or mid-afternoon tea and then dose-adjust. I'm quite partial to savoury things like cheese straws or lightly salted crisps, but wouldn't have many.
Do you carry juice and/or Gatorade with you?
I carry the small mixer cans of Coke with me, or Jelly Babies or Dextrose tabs.
What are Jelly Babies? Never heard of them.
They are little sweets in the shape of funny babies. They are really popular in the UK, especially with diabetic people who use them to correct hypos. They are quite high in sugar, so usually 3-4 of them is enough to bring your glucose level back up safely.
I use the energy bar away from home and glucose tabs to bring by lows up. Sometimes a candy bar my endo. gave me several when I crashed in his office. I crash very fast. I drink OJ which is such a treat, and will have a orange or grapefruit.
I keep Cliff bars they stay fresh in my purse and I like them, reseal nicely in a ziplock bag. Traveled all over Disney with them they held up great.

Thanks! Will do!