i am on my own diet which is fasting mainly during daylight and light meal at night. I eat veg. soups, mixed salads and very little meat. I don't know why, but not having it, I am loosing weight. I noticed that my sugars and bp are getting lower. Is there any info. that would help me as to what I should be eating?
i am trying to loose weight. I'm a Ty... - Diabetes Research...
i am trying to loose weight. I'm a Type 2 Diabetic. Any advice as to what I can and can't have, please?

I am not sure if I fully understand what you are saying. Are you losing body weight and your blood sugar and blood pressure are also dropping? If so, what is the issue then?
Have you considered LCHF diet which has been found very effective for losing body weight and managing blood sugar?
exactly i am loosing weight and wondering what to watch on the diabetes side doing mostly by fasting during day and eating small at night
Why are you on starvation diet? What are your goals? Please provide the numbers e.g. FBS, PPBS, HbA1c and your body weight,BMI(or height) and age.
if you are T2D then you should choose a diet which does not give high blood sugar spikes. Yes, fasting is also useful but I can not comment anything without knowing further details about your conditions. Have you been diagnosed T2D? Are you on medications?
to be honest praveen you are now going over my head all i know is ia db2 and have been told i am doing well managing my sugar i will give you figures that i know my weight 141 bmi 57.2 sugar tday 8.2 i am on metformin 2x500mg twice a day ithis one empagliflozin i a day
Thanks, Paul. One has be very careful going on fast when on medications for diabetes because of the possibility of blood sugar going too low. Fasting should be done in consultation with nurse/doctor who may adjust the medicine doses if required to avoid HYPO ( blood sugar too low). As I understand, you have not faced this situation. Still, you should be in contact with your diabetes nurse/doctor.
I also suggest you learn little bit about blood sugar numbers so that you know what to monitor and what are the good numbers. The following link will provide useful information. Please do not hesitate to ask any question.
Hi Paul. Is your weight 141 lbs or 141kg? What is your height?

kgs 5ft 3 i am as big round as tall theres an idea aim for 141 lbs wow a lot to do but i have done in past 10 st twice and let it come back oh dear but not this time older wiser and need weight off badly but have lost over a stone i dont find loosing weight hard but keeping it off different ball game
This might be helpful: ncl.ac.uk/magres/research/d...

ta ossie
Hi pauluk60 ,
Here's a link for the Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation's free leaflets dealing with weight/diet and Diabetes. All leaflets can be downloaded/read and/or listened to at anytime. Go to: drwf.org.uk/understanding-d...
Also, please ask your doctor before you go on a diet/change your exercise routine to be on the safe side of things if a certain diet/exercise routine is right for you specifically. I hope this helps!