Are you At risk????
Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test: Are you At... - Diabetes Research...
Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test

Mmm not that helpful. Out of interest I did test and am low risk. I have had type 2 diabetes for about 7 years! LOL.
LOL. Bevvy have you ever tested your fasting insulin???
Yes and that is how I was diagnosed in the first place. I have regular tests.
Just found at risk test amusing! 😀
Bevvy That is really great.... getting fasting insulin tested is not standard protocol...
What was your IR (as per Homa calculator) when you were diagnosed???
Once you have it, your risk is in fact 10.
Also consider that because you were diagnosed, you lost weight, are physically active more regularly, you possibly got blood pressure med and what not...
Were you overweight before your were diagnosed?
nbreight me???
Yes I was over weight about 108 Kgs... with Hba1c 13+
Now lost about 20Kgs....last Hba1c in month of June 2016 was 5.9.( Just metformin 250 Mg Morning and 500 Mg Night.)
Next Hba1c is due in January.
You are making a huge assumption about the causes of type 2 diabetes..... NO I was not over weight. I have additional health issues that restrict my activity so that cannot be increased. Also my blood pressure was absolutely fine if a little low.
When I attended a diabetes information class more than 1/2 the people there were OK weight. Of the others only 1 could be classed as obese. The popular media myth of ALL type 2 diabetics being vastly over weight and lazy just isn't the case!
In my case genetics have played a huge part as well as potentially some of the meds I regularly have to take for other conditions.