Hello, kinda new to this part of the site. Lately ive had burning or warm sensations in my lower left left/foot. Aching feelings as well as tingly. Like circulation is being cut off. Some occasional chest tightness. Nausea. Stomach bloating. Blurry vision everyday. Is this signs of diabetes? Im not small but i wouldnt say im obese either. It worries me so i figured id ask on here.
Do i have pre diabetes? : Hello, kinda... - Diabetes Research...
Do i have pre diabetes?

I think you should go and see a doctor. I didn’t have any of these signs before being diagnosed type 2

Hi Mike, definitely make a GP appointment to check this out. Do have a look at the DRWF website for more info drwf.org.uk
Another thing is i am hungry all the time even after eating.
What are your blood sugars before/after eating? If you have high blood sugars, sometimes, you can feel hungry/thirsty more.
I dont know, havent tested them in awhile and only have at the doctor. Is there any way i can test at home?
Im not really thirsty as much but definitely always hungry. Im also a pretty big guy
Ask your doctor to give you a prescription for a blood testing kit for home use and supplies. Call the doctor’s office this week.😀
as others say it doesn't sound like diabetes - best to see the doctor - not quite sure what you mean by 'high red blood cells' but there are a number of different types of anaemia - one of which - macrocytosis - is particularly associated with B12/B9 vitamin deficiencies resulting most commonly the result of problems in the gut - which would fit with the nausea and bloating. Deficiency in B12 and B9 is also associated with neurological symptoms - though they generally start in the hands and they are generally symmetrical.
However, there are other things that have similar symptoms
Firstly you should go and see the Doctor.
The main symptoms to a non diagnosed Diabetes type 2, is Problems with your bladder, running and forth to the Toilet is annoying but its also necessary and it is a known problem for sufferers who are not diagnosed. You will suffer from a Diabetic thirst which means it will not be quenchable no matter what you drink.
You will be overly tired all the time, and between trips to the Loo it starts to get tedious.
You may suffer from blurry eyes, but not always.
If you're getting burning sensations in your legs and other extremities, it could be to do with Neuropathy related to Diabetes, or it could be something totally different,
Either way the first place to go is the Doctor, he/she is likely to start you off on Mertformin and see how things go.
Naproxen is for Neuropathy pain and its very good in general too.
Yes, I see my doctor quite often. He hasn't mentioned anything. But I still have that warm sensation in my left foot. I go to the bathroom at night when I wakeup. I see my doc again next month.