I have been following a low carb diet since 3 Jun 2020 and today is 19 Nov 2020. No Roti/Chapati, no Rice, No Dal (they increase my sugar), no potatoes, bread, pasta, cereals, biscuits, etc. no Junk.
When I started my Fasting Sugar had been around 130-145 and PP between 130-150 (HBA1C was 6.3 in March 2020), slowly it started coming down; fasting Sugar between 104-118 and PP under 125. I take no medicines. Yesterday, I came back from the office around 6.30 pm and thought of checking my Sugar (lunch was taken around 2.30 pm), to my shock my sugar came 165, I checked it again immediately on a different finger it was 156. Had dinner around 9, checked sugar at 10.30 pm it was 127. This morning I checked my sugar at 5.30 am; it was 132 and then at 6.30 it was 133.
My daily diet is as follows: B'fast: 2 scrambled eggs, some peanuts, Pomegrenade, more than Spoon full of Amul Butter, Beets and Lassi (during summers, now I take tea or warm water). Luch 1 roti made from Badam, Coconut flour, and Isabghol, a portion of vegetable, and curd. Dinner: Brocolli, Bell peppers, Paneer (sometimes) sauteed in olive oil, butter, and a spoon of ACV sprinkled.
My question is why this sudden spike in Sugar? is there something wrong with my Accucheck machine and Strips or has something gone wrong with my body?