The FBS is 120 and PP sugar is 130 normally. HbA1C reads 6.8 most of the times. Why Fasting sugar level remains high above the recommended range. Is there any method to improove.
Fasting Blood Sugar high: The FBS is 120 and... - Diabetes India
Fasting Blood Sugar high

Your PP seems to be in the normal range and fasting is high as is the A1c. Are you taking any medications? What does your doctor say about the high FBS? Typically what do you eat for breakfast and how long before you have your breakfast since after you wake up. Around what time at night do you go to bed and what time in the morning do you wake up. There are several things that could be impacting your FBS.
Your A1c being 6.8 indicates that more than desirable levels of glucose is present in your blood stream. Have you taken blood glucose readings say 4-5 hours after having a meal, ideally you shouldn't have eaten anything other than plain water during that time. I think those readings would be on the higher side as opposed to what should ideally be close to "normal" fasting readings.
Talk to your doctor if you haven't already talked to him/ her.
No offense to you but I have not heard about Ashvagandha as a remedy for diabetes. Besides Ashvagandha is not good for people with high blood pressure or hypertensive tendency.