My Fasting @102 just with diet and Exercis... - Diabetes India

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My Fasting @102 just with diet and Exercise in 15 days.

BangaloreMate profile image
30 Replies

Hi , I am 33 and Just next day after UGADI ( New Year -30- March 2017 ) I Went for Annual Checkup and Reports thrown BOMB on me , saying _ I have Fasting @214 and after meal @ 254 and HBA1C @ 11.2 and Straight away I went to meet one of the leading ENDOCRINOLOGIST in Bangalore and He confirmed that I have DM 2 and Asked me to take METFORMIN 500Mg twice a day and another METFORMIN ( SP ) 500 MG at Night .. and told me that he is targeting 120-130 fasting and 180-210 after meal in One month ..

From next day I started Taking Medicines and My First 4 Days Reading

Day 1 - 201 - 256 + Limited Food Intake + 2 Hrs Exercise

Day 2 - 104 - 160 + Limited Food Intake + 2 Hrs Exercise

Day 3 - 114 - 144 + Limited Food Intake + 2 Hrs Exercise

Day 4 - 94 - 134 + Limited Food Intake + 2 Hrs Exercise

Day 5 - 93 - 136 + Limited Food Intake + 2 Hrs Exercise

BUT For these 5 DAYS Nearly 2 Times a DAY , I went to HYPO and Uneasiness

So from

6th Day On words I took a FIRM DECISION to STOP MEDICINES and WORK MORE and Eat less ( Low Carb ) and Followed it for 4 DAYS and Then Again from 5th Day I started taking Reading for DAYS WITHOUT MEDICINES . Last 3 days My readings ( with out medicine since 8 Days ) are

102 (Fasting ) - 115 ( breakfast)

98 - 104

116 - 110

Can Someone tell me , Is this Numbers ( without Oral Medication from last 8 Days ) Good enough to manage with out MED ?

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BangaloreMate profile image
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30 Replies
ramana42 profile image

No doubt your March readings confirm that you are a diabetic.But your subsequent readings show that you can bring down the sugar level with some effort and determination.Your relatively young age and heavy exercise must have helped you.My suggestion is,since you have already stopped medicines and still managing with good numbers,continue to do so.However,you have to keep monitoring regularly to ensure that you do not slide back.I consider yours as a success story if you can keep it up.

Lastly,I may add that diabetes is a progressive disorder and becomes more and more difficult to manage.

BangaloreMate profile image
BangaloreMate in reply to ramana42

Thanks for your reply . Yes, It is progressive but I am very much confident that If I Keep My BODY @ 100+ levels for Few Years that will be great for me without medicines ..

I really got surpirsed that Just in ONEDay after Taking METFORMIN , My Fasting down to 100 and I Heard that METFORMIN takes atleast 4 Days to start working .. This very reason forced me to think , GO MED LESS from some days to test , whether I can manage or not .. BUt Numbers looking promising to me .

Can any one tell me , How Long METFORMIN takes time to act on BG

ramana42 profile image
ramana42Volunteer in reply to BangaloreMate

Metformin helps in better utilization of available insulin and it is the drug that is prescribed for almost all diabetics.If your number has come down the very next day,it is well and good.Other factors must have also played a role.

BangaloreMate profile image
BangaloreMate in reply to ramana42

Sir , here is my diet chart

1. 7 AM Milk +2 Almonds

2. 10 AM 2 Chapatti

3. 2 PM 1 Bowl of Brown Rice + 1 Ragi Ball ( Ragi Flour )

4. 5 PM MILK

6. 8 PM Milk

7. 10 PM 1 bowl of Brown Rice + 1 Chapthi

am I taking too much CARBS ?

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to BangaloreMate


Yes. You are taking excessive carbs.

BangaloreMate profile image
BangaloreMate in reply to suramo

can you give alternatives for south indian?

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to BangaloreMate


You have to understand the principle. I can't give you list of food but let me tell you in brief what i'm doing.

1) no to grains, rice, sugar, refine flour and root veg

2) liberal amount of good fats

3) vegetables

4) cheese, paneer, milk, curd

5) dry fruits

6) coconut

7) legumes in moderation. Contain 60% carbs.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to ramana42


"Lastly,I may add that diabetes is a progressive disorder and becomes more and more difficult to manage.". Not with idm.

ramana42 profile image
ramana42Volunteer in reply to suramo

If you mean INTENSIVE DIABETES MANAGEMENT(got it after googling}.I agree with you.Problem is,it gets more intensive as you age.Correct me if I am wrong.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to ramana42


it's Intensive Dietary Management. The whole problem of D is carbohydrate. Once we reduce carb intake the adverse effects start reversing. With age our caloric requirement decreases and so is the carb intake.

BangaloreMate profile image
BangaloreMate in reply to suramo

is IDM good for man @33 years , can he manage life,stress and travelling with low carb ? To keep brain active we need carbs , will it affect thinking and creativity ?

in reply to BangaloreMate

Too low carb can be problem . But anything between 100 to 140 carbs do not cause any problem.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to BangaloreMate

Dear BangaloreMate Carbs around 100 Gms + or - 10% are sufficient..unless you have certain specific health issues such as hypothyroid ...or specific level of physical activity...

Many of members here are maintaining that level..and they experience enhanced level of concentration and alertness.

In fact it is common experience that many times after high carb food we become lethargic..and feel sleepy..

There are many international players who are keeping low carb diet for more alertness and energy.

However,we really don't know much about chess players on low carb diet.(where brain activity is more important)

Further,our diet...particularly in India is full of while traveling maintaining low carb diet is bit difficult..but not impossible.

Further,each individual has different capacity to clear carbs..some may be able to clear 150 Gms of carbs efficiently and some may fail even to clear 70 Gms.. it all depends on your IR and beta cells function..and many other factors known and unknown..

So idea is to check check and check... ur BS and diet and decide your self what is suitable for you...

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to cure


I have talked to leading endos. According to them carbs do not influence thyroid function even if someone with hypothyroid starts keto diet all of a sudden. No need to introduce low carb diet gradually.

Also according to them soya are not the problem. Hypothyroid people can eat soya.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to suramo

hmmm may be true....

let me find out answer myself...

I always thought fenugreek must be culprit...

I stopped consuming same for last three months keeping carbs consumption at same level......I will get my blood reports soon...and then I will get the right answer...

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to cure


Let me also know.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to suramo


sure sir....will email u total report....

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to cure


Thank you big bro. Please don't call me sir.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to BangaloreMate


cure has given a very good answer. Let me clear your wrong notion about carbs.

1) carbs are a source of energy available easily.

2) humans can live whole life without carbs. Proteins and fats then are utilised for energy. There are essential amino acids and fatty acids but not essential carbs.

3) certain areas of brain need glucose exclusively for their functioning but our body can produce enough glucose from proteins and fats. As much as 56% of proteins and 10% of fats are converted to glucose.

So don't worry. Carbs are not compulsory even when traveling. If you are on high fat diet you will remain full and would not become lethargic due to carbs. We tend to become more lethargic because we can't burn carbs efficiently.

So give up fear. Enjoy lchf diet.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to suramo

There is no enmity with carbs... carbs are very easy source of energy...

But it is said keeping your insulin level low at all the time is key to longevity...

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to BangaloreMate

here is one good link

sati006 profile image

This is good numbers, but things to keep in mind if you have to go without medicine:

1) Yuo have to do what you are doing now eah and every day- excercise and diet

2) Better to consult doctor wiht this report

BangaloreMate profile image
BangaloreMate in reply to sati006

yes , I am going to meet doctor after 1 Month ( With Log BOOK - 5 Reading / Day ) . He was very pessimistic about stooping medicines, He told me that its impossible to bring BG to 100's without Medicine for few months ..

kkmworldno1 profile image
kkmworldno1 in reply to BangaloreMate

change the doctor and go to the one who has some academic interest in the subject, unless you know prior hand, you need to try different doctors unless you find a LOGICAL minded Doctor.

osho1410 profile image

Dear BangaloreMate ,

congratulations on getting such great numbers after that initial jolt ; you seem to be pretty motivated about regaining good health ,so keep it up :) I think your doctor prescribed too much Metformin at first go so good riddance ! you are young and have been diagnosed only recently so you can definitely beat this disease by taking care of your diet and physical activity in years to come. As regards to carbs, you must keep it to minimum, (around 100 gms. a day ) increase green veggies in its place,rest of the information you'll find here in this forum's old posts .Good luck !

Drmaheshmshah profile image

Yes ....Indeed !!! as a Doctor we have to treat Pt. But Doctor treat Reports

You have done good Job Now You can Do

Exercise 40 min.walking

Some pre and post stretching

Diet which You are following is fine

Learn to relax ..... Do it rest of Your life You will be healthy for ever

Keep Monitoring Not only Lab Reports but Your Thoughts and Feeling

Thoughts and Feelings are so that they can make You ill as well as they can make You Healthy also

BangaloreMate profile image
BangaloreMate in reply to Drmaheshmshah

Thank you Doctor, Your support to my thought is great boost for me.

Lakki profile image
Lakki in reply to BangaloreMate

Friend how is ur readings now r u maintaining same withut med pls tell.

jankanman profile image

Ok fine maintaining the same for 2 weeks and check the figures.

kkmworldno1 profile image


sorry its old post.

what is the status now? how are your numbers?

Not what you're looking for?

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