Hi Friends,
Recently I got my blood work done and in this post, I would like to share and seek your opinion in particular on OGTT test results.
Test preparation: I had been on very low carb diet ( 25gm + - 5gm a day), therefore I had to increase the carb intake to 120gms/day for four days preceding the test as per Doctor's advice.
Test set-up: Medical centre, please note that they take only two tests one fasting one and another 2 hr OGTT. Using my meter I took two further readings at 60 and 90 minutes interval. Following are the results:
1. Fasting Blood Glucose: 104 mg/dl 10 hrs overnight fasting ---Lab result
Consumed flavoured drink having 75 gm of pure glucose in two minutes
2. 1 hr after the drink: 225 mg/dl Self-monitored
3. 1.5 hr after the drink: 167 mg/dl self monitored
4. 2 hrs after the drink; 70 mg/dl Lab result
First I thought the lab results may be wrong but I was told it was highly unlikely. Then looking back when I was on conventional high carb diet( 60 % or so), I used to feel hungry every two hours or so after eating enough food The very low blood glucose at the end of two hours makes sense perhaps. Please give your opinion.