Type 2 Diabetic - I manage my blood sugar l... - Diabetes India

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Type 2 Diabetic - I manage my blood sugar levels with diet control and exercise, but without taking ANY medicines

naturalcure profile image
41 Replies

Just to share my personal experience with diabetes and how I have been keeping sugar levels under check. I do NOT take (and have NEVER taken) ANY medicines (for blood sugar control). I don't take any other medicines regularly. I Do the following:

1) I try to avoid eating simple carbohydrates, as much as possible. However, since carbs are required for body to function, I do take complex carbs (in the forms of oats) as well as a lot of vegetables that do not increase sugar levels (such as for me, okra, egg plant, cabbage, cauliflower etc).

2) As a follow-up on point #1 above, I try NOT to eat anything made from rice (or from wheat for that matter...this is a major challenge with Indian food, as most if not all of them are rice/wheat based).

3) I do try to eat protein as much as possible (I am vegetarian, so this is a bit of a challenge), in the form of lentils, beans, eggs (I prefer egg whites most of the time).

4) Avoid sugar (no sugar in coffee/tea, no sweets unless made for diabetics etc)

5) I check sugar levels often (at-least once a day, most days), about 1 hour after taking food. This confirms sugar levels to me, as also confirms which foods (and quantities) that keep sugar levels to acceptable levels and those that do NOT (so, I avoid them).

6) I use a home sugar-level monitor, and if I do buy strips in 50's, then, price of each strip comes to a little less than Rs.17. These are the most cost-effective strips I have managed to find - if anyone else knows of blood sugar-level test strips, which can be got cheaper, please let me know.

7) I try to adhere to stricter standards than ADA recommended levels for sugar. 1 hour Post Prandial (after food), I look for sugar levels which are 140 or less - for me, sugar levels peak at around 1 hour after food intake and then, start to FALL after this 1 hour. [ADA recommends 180 or less, 2 hours after food intake].

8) As a comparison, when I was initially diagnosed as Diabetic (Type 2) in Nov 2011, my Fasting levels were between 250-300 and Post Prandial was I believe 350-400 (sorry don't remember the exact numbers).

9) Sometimes, if I need to consume rice, I take brown rice (not raw or par-boiled rice) - if eaten is smaller quantities, this keeps sugar levels to within acceptable limits (as mentioned above in #7).

10) Now, with regard to maintaining a good Fasting sugar level, I have found that avoiding eating food (especially carbs) after say 9:00p or so, does result in good Fasting sugar levels for me (just around 100 or less). This has been a bit difficult off late though...so, if I do eat after 9:00p (esp carbs or even huge quantities of any food after 9:00p), my Fasting levels then increase to just under 120. Of course, if I do lose control (which does happen at times) and consume sweets/cookies on any day, esp after 9:00p, Fasting levels in the morning reach around 125, which is NOT good - so of course, I try to avoid, as much as possible.

11) Under unavoidable conditions, such as when needing to eat at a marriage function, during festival time celebrations etc, I buy myself an insulin pen (I use Mixtard) and inject some insulin (between 5-10 units, maybe 12 units rarely but no more), about 15 mins before consuming food. This certainly helps of course, whenever, a good amount of rice (and sometimes even regular sweets) need to be taken.

12) I try to exercise regularly - don't do any cardio - just train for strength...just 2 days (or 3 days max) per week. Works wonders overall and also to control body weight, sugar levels, keeping blood pressure in check etc. Always, looking foward to gym day...can't emphasize that enough.

13) Also, have a home Blood Pressure monitor and using all the right techniques, do measure my BP level regularly. Levels have always been around 115-75 (normal is 120/80). Heart rate (which is measured by the same monitor) was 65 this morning (normal is 72 or below).

14) Try to consume much less than usual amounts of salt in food prepared at home.

15) It's been a while that I checked my HbA1C level...when I was diagnosed a Diabetic, HbA1C was between 13 and 14 (quite high, I know). After doing all the above, my HbA1C (measured about 8-9 months ago, was 6.3. I am trying to get this to 5 or less and haven't measured this lately...I do realize it is good to get this measure, once every 3-4 months.

Although, the above seem like a LOT of things to do, it's just that it gets pretty verbose trying to detail all of the things that I do and NOT do - once this kind of a routine gets imbibed, it gets pretty "easy" to follow. However, I would say, avoiding simple carbs, in an Indian setting, is the most difficult task of all - especially, considering that I am a vegetarian.

I also try to keep my body weight in check (have a tummy - no great amount of fat anywhere else).

The less simple carbohydrates I eat and the less quantity of food I eat, tummy vanishes pretty quickly for me. However, given that I LOVE strength training, I won't be able to progress, with an extremely small body weight - so I do try to keep some body weight on still. So, waist levels were 41-43 inches when I was diagnosed (body weight then, was around 97-98 kgs)...right now, waist is probably around 37 inches...I know, should be reduced still...working on it. Body weight is around 85 kgs - my height, by the way is 5'7". Age - 46 years old.

Also, measured my cholesterol numbers at the same time I measured HbA1C last (about 8-9 months back) - I had the best of numbers in all categories.

I used to train for long distance running many years back for quite a number of years (never did manage to compete in any marathon)...I have no interest in this anymore and don't run anymore at all.

Also, used to walk 2-3 kms or so everyday, immediately after I was diagnosed a diabetic...I don't do that anymore either (just no time to walk anymore).

Tried a LOT of food supplements when diagnosed initially...raw garlic, vinegar, sakkarakolli (sorry, local term used...don't know the English/Generic name), fanugreek seeds, arnica, mag phos etc etc etc. Found that none of them really make a significant difference (if at all) either way. Diet control (basically to avoid eating simple carbohydrates and other high Glycemic foods) and exercise, have proved to be the most effective, for me. As a side-note, I feel that raw garlic and vinegar (in moderate quantities), are good to eat for general health reasons anyway.

I own a computer software business...so, involves a lot of staring at the computer monitor and lots of typing, but little else in terms of physical movement.

Hey, as a last point for the moment...came across that new research has found that a hormone by name Betatrophin replicates (produces new cells) Beta cells, which then produce insulin normally (as and when required, in the right quantities). Still in trials and (hopefully) will be available for safe human use within the next 2-3 years - can't wait for this to become available for approved human use.

LOVE to hear any suggestions from anyone on the above...

Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor, or a dietician of any sort. Just writing down my own experiences with controlling my blood sugar levels, with diet control and exercise alone. Please do consult your doctor BEFORE making any changes/additions to your medicines, diet or exercise programs.

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naturalcure profile image
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41 Replies

First of all,let me congratulate on breath of knowledge and awareness you have gained about diabetes.There are only two points that I would like to make I used to eat oatmeal regularly but then had to stop because my dietician prohibited it.And you say you take sweets made for diabetics.Are you sure that they are not loaded with aspertame?Because I came across reports that aspertame at high dosages is very harmful.Diet coke and diet pepsi were given as examples

naturalcure profile image
naturalcure in reply to

Thank you very much for your response. Could you please let me know, for what reasons your dietician prohibited you from eating oatmeal...I do test blood sugar levels after eating my oatmeal breakfast (along with egg whites from 4-5 eggs), and levels are quite within acceptable range...would love to know if there are other things to consider,

And thank you again for mentioning Aspertame. I do take sweets made for diabetics, perhaps, once every 3 to 6 months. Diet coke/diet pepsi consumption is even more rare. But, your point is well taken...thank you very much...

in reply tonaturalcure

I read in a health web site that oats and sweet potato are among ten best foods for diabetics.My clinic says that it is true for American conditions but not in India where we eat mostly grains.I could not agree but I stopped.

in reply to

Your clinic should have advised you to cut down on grains and increase intake of oats..........

For the benefit of our other readers some more info on these super foods.

Sweet Potato: The nature of carbohydrates in sweet potato (rich in starch and fibre), differ from that of potatoes. Its high fibre content contributes to a lower glycemic index (44), almost half of potato's glycemic index (80). Sweet potato has high fibre content, antioxidant nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, zinc, and other micronutrients such as potassium, magnesium, iron and Vitamin B, which help in diabetes management and prevention of diabetes complications such as heart attacks. When you eat sweet potato with its skin, it gives you more fibre than oatmeal. The high fiber in sweet potatoes makes it good for hemorrhoids and digestive issues too

Cooking methods also affect the glycemic index of sweet potato. For diabetics, certain cooking methods are more conducive to managing blood sugar levels. Boiled or mashed sweet potatoes are not recommended as they can be digested faster, thus increasing their glycemic index and causing blood sugar levels to spike. Similar to fibre, fat will slow the rate of digestion and therefore maintain the low glycemic index, so a good cooking method for diabetics is sautéing in oil or roasting without removing its skin. Roasting the sweet potato is known to bring out its nutrients and further decreasing its GI number. Healthy steaming also brings out its great antioxidant benefits.

Despite being a medium GI vegetable, it is considered a super food for diabetes. Not only does it taste great, it can be used as a substitute in many other preparations for potatoes. Sweet potatoes contain adiponectin which is protein hormone that improves our bodies’ insulin metabolism. When diabetics eat sweet potatoes, it slowly helps them improve their insulin metabolizing.

In case of sweet potatoes, the beauty is not skin deep, not below the skin, It is the skin itself.

Oatmeal : Whole oats and oatmeal are whole grain foods and are a filling breakfast option.: It's packed with soluble fiber, which slows the absorption of glucose from food in the stomach — keeping blood-sugar levels under control. Top oatmeal with 1 to 2 tablespoons of chopped pecans, almonds, or walnuts to add protein and healthy fat, which stabilize blood sugars further. Plus, the nuts add great crunch and flavor to your morning meal.

One-half cup (1/4cup of oats) of plain cooked oatmeal made with water has about 15 grams of carbohydrate and 80 calories. The amount of oatmeal you eat at breakfast will depend on your meal plan. You also get about 4 grams of fiber per cup of oatmeal, which is partly soluble fiber, and may help to lower cholesterol levels. Making your oatmeal with water will not add any calories or grams of carbohydrate. However, many people prefer to make their oatmeal with milk. If you choose to use milk, be sure to account for the extra carbohydrates (about 6 grams for every ½ cup of milk) and use low-fat or skim milk.

Be aware that many of the pre-packaged instant oatmeal products have added ingredients for sweetness and flavor. Check the nutrition facts label to see how many carbs and calories are in a serving. If you make your oatmeal plain with water and want to add some flavor to it, here are some ideas:

in reply to

This is really great.Straight from some one who knows what he is talking about.Now,I will revise my breakfast and evening snack plan.Thank you very much.BTW,I used to cook sweet potato in microwave.I think that should be OK.

in reply to

Sorry to write the following... but could not resist!

Microwave cooking?

Another controversial mode of cooking.. If I write a blog on that I will get a few hate speeches. Not that it matters to me. I am not in this forum to score brownie points.

in reply to

I welcome such information.In fact I am curious.I was using microwave purely for convenience only.

sridhar1055 profile image

Its nice to have a complete chapter on diabetics and how to control it for life. I have a peculiar problem. My fasting is around 110 but PP is around 200 always. I do all those u had suggested except egg. I do not like the smell (brahmin). And since 2005 when I was first diagnosed, I have lost weight from 83 to 68 today. All my muscles are totally eaten up and still I feel healthy due to walking and physical exercise (without any specific equipment) I need someone to suggest alternative diet programme so that I could improve my weight and feel more energetic as before.

in reply tosridhar1055

My first impression is that you are on the right track.

You have lost significant weight, you have realised the importance of walking/exercise. (Two out of three )

The last is the food and the types of food. There are some good,thought provoking articles / experiences in this form, You shoul be able to arrive at a blueprint for food in take and consult your RD ( registered dietician) who would be only too willing to help.

Be wise! Be INFORMED, Take control of YOUR health

naturalcure profile image
naturalcure in reply tosridhar1055

Your Post Prandial being 200 suggests that your simple carb intake needs to be looked into. And just curious - how long after your consume food, do you test Post Prandial numbers?

Anyway, my layman suggestion is that you increase your vegetable consumption - SIGNIFICANTLY. Please ensure that you are eating the right vegetables by looking up the low glycemic ones (I consume a lot of egg plant, okra, cabbage, cauliflower, onions, tomatoes, cucumber etc) and also testing to see that they are having an acceptable effect on your BS levels. Lessen your rice/wheat intake amount SIGNIFICANTLY.

For instance if you take South Indian veg food, you generally tend to eat a lot of rice with a small amount of sambar and a couple of spoons of vegetables (poriyal), a lot of rice with a small amount of rasam, a lot of rice with a small amount of curd/yogurt, and some pickles.

I would recommend (from a layman's point of view) to cut down SIGNIFICANTLY your rice quantities, to SIGNIFICANTLY increase your vegetable portion sizes...go easy on the curd/yogurt amount too - definitely curd/yogurt increases your BS levels, much more than does buttermilk. And don't eat pickles every day - too much oil and too much salt.

In the north I think (and please correct me if I am wrong), the usual norm is perhaps to eat a number of chappathis with side dish made from lentils/vegetables. Here again, to cut down on the chappathis and to increase significantly the amount of side-dish is going to do wonders to BS control.

Changes to what/how we have been consuming food for so many years is going to be difficult - at first. It takes about 2 weeks or so for body (and mind and palate) to adjust. One thing I would like to say is that vegetables have their own great taste when eaten separately. So does sambar or rasam - if you drink them separately, they taste great. If you eat kidney beans (cooked and seasoned well, of course) separately, they taste great. And this is true for so many other foods too.

Just as so many of us have gotten used to drinking sugar less coffee/tea and it's no big deal, so too is the case with eating our meals with SIGNIFICANTLY less simple carbs. Our body/mind/palate have gotten used to starch so much, that it becomes oblivious almost to other tastes (such as vegetables and such).

I would like to state here clearly here that CARBS are NECESSARY for our body/mind to function. Just that cutting down significantly on consuming simple carbs would improve sugar levels a great deal. Trying to get your carbs requirements from vegetables and other complex carbohydrate sources, such as oats - these will provide for your carb requirements and at the same time, will keep your BS levels, well within control.

Be sure, to continually test your BS/BP/Body Weight etc... and of course, to consult with your doctor/dietician regularly.

I greatly value your article since it is from your own experience. Do not bother about the length of the article. We will read it anyway...

I have a few comments/questions, kindly bear with me to reply.

1.Eggplant ( Baingan in Hindi), is low in Sodium,has high fiber content, low in calorie and like oter purple plant foods has phytochemicals which are cardioprotectic antioxidants; These are unaffected by cooking.

2. Let us not consider ADA as a reference; There are enough scientific brains in the world trying to break the code.

3."Under unavoidable conditions like attending marriage function"..... Very true.....Recently, I attended one, opted for the buffet system of serving, avoided puri, potato ,rasam rice and sambar rice; Had curd rice with one jelebi ( after all a happy occasion) and came out....

4.Skkarekolli is madhunashini-Gymnem Sylvestre-Gurmur or meshashringi

5.Vinegar.. Is it apple cidar vinegar you are referring?

6.Sweets for diabetics? All the sweeteners ( with tons of pros and cons ) are made with an eye on this market. If we can COMPLETELY avoid sweets, "normal or sweets for diabetes people" , for our few cups of coffee and tea, we can switch over to a sweetener substitute... i.e sugar, the most understood scientifically and most user friendly to the body, in the sense that the body knows how to handle it during the last 10000 years. The same cannot be said about the whole range of sweeteners, right up to stevia, the wonder sweetener,as of now.

Do write in these columns.... Your weight... Sorry! You yourself would have realised.....

RPTP profile image

how i wish i had not started the medicines and followed this routine . On discovering my status of being type 2 diabetic i was under shock and straight away followed the doctor advice and started medicine . it is under control but i wish i could stay away from medicines and supplements ( because my vit B12 and Vit D are pathetically low and i have read that metaformin interferes with the metabolism of Vit B12 . one thing is leading to another like metaformin is controlling sugal levels but creating problems elsewhere and want to come out of this mess. I will try to follow this routine and see if it works for me too and slowly will try to acheive the reduced weight of medicines.i do go for walks everyday 4 km of walk and some light excercise . my HBAIC is 6.5 as on today and have no blood pressure nor taking any medicine for the same.Its a great motivation to read the above and try to achieve the same for myself too.

naturalcure profile image
naturalcure in reply toRPTP

Well, try the lesser carb (simple carbs) route, and see if/how much, you are able to wean yourself from taking blood sugar meds. As I keep mentioning to diabetics, wherever I meet them (and it takes no effort to meet a diabetic these days...almost everyone over 35 or so in India seem to be a diabetic), your BEST friend is going to be your blood sugar monitor. This is true, whether you are on blood sugar control meds or not. The BS monitor is NEVER going to lie to you (make sure to replace batteries in a timely manner, of course) and you can use this to decide on SO MANY things.

Things like, which foods lead suit you, at what amounts etc., can give you a wealth of information which you can use to make decisions. You will find that you can eat simple carbs too, at times...just that you'll have to keep to small quantities and not eat anything else for at-least another hour or so. I do that when I get an ache to eat good sambar or rasam or curd/yogurt with rice...I just use some brown rice and keep to a small serving size, and then, make sure that I don't eat anything else for the next hour or so... Continual testing of BS levels using home monitor has aided me in making these decisions.

In fact, without the BS monitor (such as when I run out of test strips and I get lazy to order replacements for a couple of days), I have found that I tend to lose control (with choice of food items to eat and in controlling portion sizes)... The moment I get my test strips and start testing, everything falls in place pretty quickly.

As mentioned above, I also have a home BP monitor. Helps me ensure that my Blood Pressure as well as my heart rate and good. My recommendation is just to make sure to use a good brand...some of the "local" brands might not be too reliable...I do use Omron BS monitor...hope it is ok to name the brand here (I am not associated with Omron in any manner whatsoever, except as a user of one of its products). Also, there are a long list of optimum conditions for testing BP (when to take the readings, how exactly to take the readings, position of your feet, your arms, your back etc)...you might want to research a bit on that...

With regard to BP control, one might think of trying to reduce (but not eliminate) salt intake. This along with good Blood Sugar level control, in itself, would do wonders to BP control.

And, exercise... While lots of debates are ongoing regarding which is the best form of exercise, one thing is for certain... Doing something (anything) for exercise, is WAYYYYY better than doing nothing. No doubt about it. Exercise aids with Blood Sugar control, Blood Pressure control and improving Heart Rate and of course, tons of other things.

Again, my disclaimer regarding the fact that I am NOT a doctor or any kind of a certified dietician. So, please do consult with your doctor before you make any changes to any of your medicines.

naturalcure profile image

Hi medfree...thank you for your reply and for your encouragement.

I believe ADA numbers are a first target for many people (and they are quite easy to achieve, in my opinion, relatively speaking) - I personally have nothing against ADA or its recommendations.

Just try to keep numbers significantly better than that suggested by ADA. From what I gather from reading through material on diabetes and blood sugar control, it appears that strong correlation to heart disease exists at much lesser sugar levels (post prandial level of more than 140 mg/dL, one hour after food and fasting levels of more than 100 mg/dL). So, try my best to keep within these limits...

It's hard...quite hard, to keep within these numbers, of course. But, the feeling of trying to get things under control, wherever possible, without medicine, is the greatest feeling...

Akber profile image
Akber in reply tonaturalcure

I enjoyed reading your insightful article. I was diagnosed diabetic type 2 about a month ago and my BG reading was 409. I was put on medication. Metformin 500 mg twice a day. Within two weeks my fasting reading is consistently below 100 (this morning was 88) and remain below 100 when I measure the Glucose level in the night. From today I have reduced my dose to 500 mg only. My only problem is carb. I buy 100% whole wheat and it is not whole wheat. When I eat steak or meat only my BG stay below 100. Also when I have nice motion, my BG level goes down. I am from India. I am 65 years old weigh 150 lb and 5'8 tall. I dont feel any thing. I am not hungry nor thirsty nor overweight. I am hoping to reverse this disease. I do exercise. My feeling is 33% sugar level is controlled by diet, by medication and exercise each. I am scientist and live in USA. Research in diabetic is very poor. Your and others input how to avoid eating carbs will be greatly appreciated. Respectfully Akber

vk1959 profile image

Thanks for very good and really use full information's, I think Ragi is very good for diabetic.

this can be eaten in form of balls or soup(Kanji)

naturalcure profile image
naturalcure in reply tovk1959

Hi vk1959, thank you for your comments. Ragi for whatever reasons, have not been a good experience at all for me, from the point of view of blood sugar control.

Initially, I too thought good about Ragi (wrt BS control) and had a couple of dosai made from Ragi flour. When I tested BS level after an hour, it was the highest ever... Much more than even what a full fledged meal consisting of raw rice would have done... So, I stopped eating it right then and there.

Anyway, that's been my personal experience with Ragi flour. As always, my advice to you would be to test regularly, and in this case, particularly after you consume food items prepared from Ragi...and confirm it's effect on your Blood Sugar levels.

bloginmylife profile image
bloginmylife in reply tonaturalcure

we, as Indians, have a lot of unproven "home remedies". you are right about ragi. pretty bad.

Yep, I love the phrase "mindless walking" :-))

sujiboovaragan profile image

congrats on your successful efforts,but continue doing all this and do take medicines,becos doctors told me that pancreas will become weak after 2 or 3 yrs

rkavitha371 profile image

My A1C is 9.3.

Can you please suggest or provide all the vegitables that can used, how about the amount of oil that can be used, what can be eaten instead of rice/roti. Is using milk ok?

Appreciate your help and advise to help control my diabetics.

I am south Indian, use rice and roti heavily, vegitarian who eats chicken and fish at times.




hlgaskins profile image

I agree with a most of what's in your post but where I take exception is in regards to grains as a source of carbohydrates. I was 11 years ago when after fasting and having my blood tested my doctor told me that my blood glucose was 283. I was immediately placed on 500 mg regimen of Metformin and signed up to a two day diabetes training session. By the time the training began I'd done a lot of research on diet and diabetes. After the first day of the training session I decided the diet information I was being given was wrong, especially about carbohydrates, and I didn't return for the second day of training.

To make things short, I completely removed all grains from my diet almost immediately (except for a few pints of crafted beer now and then) because the reality is that grains don't provide energy, they actually make you sluggish and listless, and if you're diabetic, even more hungry because your mitochondria can't burn it all. The idea that we need grain in our diet is a fallacy because up until about 10,000 years or so ago we survived for previous 2 million years without a single slice of bread. I also consume no sugar sweetened foods except whole fruit froze or fresh. Our bodies can convert just about any food into glucose and that's our fuel. I do however include legumes in my diet for carbs with no ill effect.

If my A1C tests were as high as 6.3, I would immediately become concerned and reexamine my diet. For the last 9 years my A1C tests all come back at 5.1 to 5.3, my blood pressure dropped to about 117-120 over 72-78. My diet is about 70% to 80% vegetarian. I can easily get up on any given morning and go for a 40 mile bike (especially since I do an 11 mile trail a day) ride without the need for anything. In short, you don't need grain, potatoes, or any starch food in your diet whatsoever.

Macalld profile image

Please share your meal plan for the day, Thanks

ingroopa profile image

I am a female diabetic type 2. Can you tell me what vegetables u take in what form. Do u take veggies in raw form like salads or bake them? Also can you share your one week diet menu?

Vaidyanathan profile image

Buying Accu Check strips (100 no) on line from Amazon works out to around Rs.12 per strip.

Instead of rice or wheat, I take defatted soya granules. It's carb content is less than lintels.

Cooked soya granules has less than 8% carb as against 24% in cooked rice and around 18% in cooked lintels

Thanks a ton for this wonderful post!

I have been a diabetic since 2002. I' m 44 and petite (just 5ft) weighing 55-57 kgs (fluctuating in the given range). My sugar levels - post lunch- hardly come to normal levels and I don't remember when last they were normal. I have BP too-this came as a companion to diabetes almost 4 yrs ago. It is mostly normal and very rarely it is on the higher side (I don't remember when last it was high).

Post level (exactly 2 hrs after my breakfast) reading is anywhere between 220 and 270 (higher side happens when I indulge in a little extra helping or opt for desserts during wedding or other functions. my fasting levels are usually normal and well, sometimes - though not often-they are marginally high (110 to 125).

I mostly eat 3 rotis (home made) each for lunch and dinner, along with a veg curry and daal/kadi (curd based gruel) and have idlis/dosas/upma/poha and rarely oats for breakfast. If at all I take rice, it is either for lunch or dinner and never just rice because I take it only when I am not contented with rotis, I take a small tablespoon of it.

I go for a 30 to 40 minute morning walk 5 times a week and whenever I get time (mostly on weekends), I do suryanamaskaras -10 rounds, followed by 7-10 minutes of pranayam. I am regretful most of the times because, despite knowing that Yoga and breathing exercises keep sugar levels and stress under control, I do not or rather cannot take out time for them, as there are many domestic chores at home, which I need to complete before rushing to my workplace, which is an hour's travel from home-and that too if I take an autorickshaw.

I am a working woman and like you, I work on the computer, though I am not into software. On and off, I consume soaked (overnight) fenugreek seeds on empty stomach, and fight my sugar levels lowering to some extent after having taken the seeds for a fortnight or so.

I do eat non-veg food but I do not like eggs and fish (sadly, I have no liking for healthy or nutritious things) as I cannot endure their smell. I eat chicken (2-3 small or medium pieces) twice or once a week and rarely, very rarely go for mutton.

Like you, even I sometimes grab some cookies or some sweet stuff when the going gets tough and I am not in a state to resist anymore. And surprisingly, I have no sweet tooth but got into these cravings for "things forbidden" after I joined the throng of diabetic.

I lost faith in glucometers and they can be disappointing (my opinion) since I find the readings always higher (a variation of 40 to 50 points when compared to the conventional testing method.

Four years ago, I bought Accurite of Medplus and noticed that my sugar levels were always showing high. I was later told or rather found out that the readings could be faulty as the device was no more effective, I bought another one from a more popular brand , Accucheck, almost 2 months ago.

Even on this, I noticed that the readings are always- almost always on the high side.

By the way, I must mention here that I check my sugar levels just twice a month on the device and get them checked at a diagnostic center once in 2 months.

I tried homoeo medicine but lost interest soon (reasons-may be even I am not aware of)!

This is all about my diabetic life or profile! Lols!

I would try my best to follow your style of avoiding carbs as much as possible (very hard, I know).

Yet, there has to be a way of finding a solution without using harmful drugs.

Waiting for comments from you or any other member of this community!

Humayunkabir profile image

i have diabetics patient. I don't take any medicine and insulin but my sugar level is always down then went around the head and the arms and legs become weak. but when i take glucose or sugar then my sugar level is normal. I take my mill in 4 times in a day. when i take food then sugar normal but 3 hours later my sugar level again down then went around the head and the arms and legs become weak.

In this situation what solution this problem? pls help me.

Rajchennai profile image

Thanks loved your inputs. My Fasting sugar level is around 120. But my Post Prandial is around 250 - 280. I am worried if I should go in for medication. When I tested my sugar levels the readings were as follows

February 2015

Fasting - 231

Post Prandial - 285

HBA1c - 13.1

June 2015

Fasting - 124

Post Prandial - 231

HBA1c - 8.6

I had not used medicine for Blood Sugar. Cab I bring down HBA1c below 6.4. Suggest me good diet plan to control my Post Prandial level.

Rajchennai profile image

Thanks. Could you brief me on LCHF DIET

arijitmallik profile image

Thanks a lot for this post :) Gained a lot of knowledge and need to apply it for my dearest ones immediately.

Tiara9 profile image

Please refer to shootergeorge s article - google him

Try his LWMDR. Long wheat mashed diet regime to completely cure diabetes


dialife profile image

I buy the strips from Ebay India, you get it really cheap, like Rs 600 for 50 strips or even lower sometimes. Use the filter to set the price from lowest to highest, so you dont need to browse all listings.

biju_sam profile image

Just wanted to share with you all something very important. As shared by the author of the blog, I too have settled down to my way of managing my blood sugars optimally...me being a non-vegetarian made it easy as the only food in the world which does not have any carbs is meat, fish and egg. Veg proteins like moong, chana,etc still have only around 25-30% protein while 60% or more is still carb. Anyways, a vegetarian does not have any choice and hence needs to manage somehow.

But my main point is that some of the foods like "bajra" (pearl millet) is being concluded by many as good for diabetics just because they think it has more fibre and more "wholesome". WHAT IS HEALTHFOOD FOR A NON-DIABETIC CAN BE DEATH FOOD FOR A DIABETIC. This is what I have realized. I too have started replacing wheat with bajra. But when I checked the blood sugar after eating bajra, its extremely high. If 2 wheat chappatis and very small portion of rice cause blood sugar to rise upto around 140 now a days (after improving myself a lot through trial and error and reaching the optimal settings for me), if I replace the 2 wheat chappati with bajra, the sugar spikes to 250. Its proven.

What I am warning everyone is that there are so many people who give advice on what is good food for diabetic without for a moment taking the effort of testing the effect of blood sugar on a diabetic. They just go by the theory and conclude that its good for diabetic. I have a similar suspicion on 'moong' also. On days, I had it, my sugar has spiked very high. I am trying to verify this.


Hiral_patel profile image

I ask one question if I m eating a curd that is increase the blood sugar level???

jingale profile image

Does straining out water from yogurt remove lactose from it?

jingale profile image

hhhmm. I too have read that whey is highly insulinogenic. Ab bechare vegetarians proteins laye to kahan se? soya supplement le nahi sakte...

jingale profile image

hhhmm. looks like turning to lacto ovo vegetarianism will make life much easier. :)

SHM22 profile image

Hello Really nice information. I too started following the same diet plan. And strictly avoiding direct intake of wheat and rice. Instead of wheat rotis i started taking 3mixed attas ..jowar bajara and wheat. I stopped taking rice totally. In vegetables i started cabbage cauliflower bhindi eggplant and dudhi more and in dal i am taking moong dal most. I also started taking sprouted moong. I am non vege but right now stopped everything. My friends advised me to take fish. Let's see ..my second checkup is on coming saturday. Hope everything should come under control. Regarding exercise I walk abt 45 mints every day. But yes getting tired. And yes lastly would like to share ...every day in the morning with empty stomach i drink okra water. Which is much more useful. Thanks once again to all the members coz i read all their relplies for this post which are really interesting and informative.

sati006 profile image
sati006 in reply toSHM22

hi OKRA water reaaly works???, i tried for some days but it didnt give me any effect

How do you take it???, any paritcular avriety of OKRA u use?

SHM22 profile image

Hi sati as per my knowledge okra water is one of the good remedy. My daughter in laws father is taking it . So he advised me. Normal okra which we eat as sabji ..u can use it. ...take one okra wash it and cut it in four pieces from middle. Soak in one glass of water over night. Next day morning squeeze it in water and filter it and drink with empty stomach. I m trying it and will tell u the result on sat evng.

SHM22 profile image

Hello all, as I said on Saturday i did my fasting and post meal check up and the reading was 102/137 this is just because of the diet i followed.and the okra water

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