Did Sweden go for LCHF in 2008?: I found the... - Diabetes India

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Did Sweden go for LCHF in 2008?

norreal profile image
25 Replies

I found the following on dietdoctor.com/diabetes Dec 2, 2013:

Since then the Swedish Board of Health and Welfare published their guidelines for healthcare workers. They have become receptive to several options regarding diets for diabetics and now warmly recommend a low-carbohydrate diet as a first choice.

In addition, as early as 2008 the Swedish Board of Health and Welfare examined and approved advice on LCHF within the health care system. Advice on LCHF is, according to the Swedish Board of Health and Welfare’s review, in accordance with science and proven knowledge. In other words, certified health care workers, who give such advice (for example myself) can feel completely confident.

Even the American Diabetic Association (ADA) is, since 2008, approving advice on a low-carbohydrate diet for diabetics.

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norreal profile image
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25 Replies


[quote @norreal]

I found the following on dietdoctor.com/diabetes Dec 2, 2013:


That above, is a great link.

Could you be having some link for below ?

[quote @norreal]

Even the American Diabetic Association (ADA) is, since 2008, approving advice on a low-carbohydrate diet for diabetics.



norreal profile image
norreal in reply to

Right now you take my word for it. US internist fear law suits so their official line and private advice to someone they trust are different. I will get the links from former colleagues with whom I worked on health care products. I can email you some things that on account of graphics can not be posted here (screen shot did not work, may be I get my wife to micro it on the camera) or I email to you. efar52@gmail.com

in reply tonorreal


[quote @norreal]

Even the American Diabetic Association (ADA) is, since 2008, approving advice on a low-carbohydrate diet for diabetics.


The reason I had asked for a link was, Even I had come across something similar, earlier & I had come across in it, specifically official open reports of ADA. Unfortunately, I missed out on book-marking.

The link at the bottom of your link for dietdoctor.com/diabetes leads to an ADA report, but I found it strainful on my eyes to go thro it in totality.


norreal profile image
norreal in reply to

Recyan: Sorry. If you put the following on google search, go to the third item and you will find the portion I pasted here. You will find sub topic 'New Science' more rewarding. [Meetu 77, if you see this post, please do visit as suggested]:

Diabetes – How to Normalize Your Blood Sugar - Diet Doctor


Dec 2, 2013 - You can normalize your blood sugar naturally as needed – without pills, calorie ... The number of people with diabetes is increasing incredibly rapidly and is ... The more carbohydrates we eat in a meal, the more sugar is

I think ADA has toned down what they had openly written before. I too can not find it. Rumors are fund providers prevailed on the ADA Board . . (ADA and AHA are funded by big boys in pharmaceutical industry)...

in reply tonorreal

[@ quote noorreal]

Recyan: Sorry.


No problem. Even I was puzzled by your response, as I have never seen you responding out of context. I suppose, my request was not worded properly.

That apart, I am very much familiar with LC Diet, as I had tried it long time back, even before joining this forum & it definitely worked in controlling my diabetes. I was a passive member of many international forums, where they discussed LCHF ( out of touch with those forums, since I observed a saturation & repetition in the discussions ).

I am now on the lookout for other ways ( rather, curiosity about the cause is driving me towards exploring ), which is the reason for my joining this forum, since this forum has a few members, who are experimental & researching things. Frankly speaking, I am no longer interested in my Diabetes, as much as I am interested in Diabetes.

As for the ADA report, I am not very much interested in it. It was just something that I recollected & came to my head, when I saw your post.


in reply to

I have alread informed my so much of discussions that all Google searches are not authentic and completely not believable itmay be ADA or Myeo clinic blogs or Diet Doctors and so many LCHF blogs also.

Because everyblog starts to propaganda of their blogs hence the owner and writer of articles has write the fevarouble things only

for this I am search so manyblogs in Googles and also subscribers of so many blogsfor Diabetic HBPand heart and fitness news letters., each came to my email of free of cost.

We must think to following any edicines or any substitutes before using or understanding

Most of them are diabetics T2 they almost all they know that Diabeties cannot curable but controlable

for which to change the life style andcontroling the consuming the food with low carb and flentyofvegitables and fruitsand at least 30 minutes of walk any time of the day.

If u have time if possibleif udo light excercise or yoga it helps the bloodcirculationfrequently and help to producethe Insulin and utilise the body and BS maycomes normal value .

Further medical Doctors advise in necessary for takingoral or insulin and follow.

So much bogus medicinesavilable in arkets in the nameof herbs and Ayurveda and Sidda system u do not believe inthese .

For Allopathic medicines somuch members were write their comments that sulfunal urea wiilburn the pancreas if we take long time.

For this I also asked some more specialists of EndocrinologistsofM DFRCS MRCP also but they not accepted .

Becausethey informed that if the Insulin deficiency is one of the reason for T 2 then sulfunalurea will produce the Insulin there is no harm.

if using sulfunalurea tablets his BS not coming to normal we give the combiation of metoformin+ sulfunal urea then metoformin will burnt the sugar from your food before digest.

Any further information about sulfunal urea tablets the members may please share in detal ifpancreas is burnt inany people please inform how much dose if they taken after wards what the medicinesit solved Thanks

in reply to


I agree with you, about Google search not necessarily resulting in authentic & substantiated information.

Regarding Sulfonylurea, I personally have seen people who were on Sulfonylurea progressing on to Insulin ( Sulfonylurea was no longer effective ). The progression time was different for different people, depending on their individual body constitution. I am not a Doctor & may be wrong, but I think, many Doctors prefer to prescribe Insulin, rather than Sulfonylureas.

Also, let me add, I have seen a poster posting on this forum recently, that he / she knows quite a few people in their seventies, who have been taking sulfonylurea for ages & have not progressed on to insulin & are still fit. Unfortunately I am not able to track that thread.

Metformin is supposed to be the first course for diabetics & if that doesn't work then Sulfonylurea or Insulin. There are a few later entries like DPP4 inhibitors, which are supposed to be better than sulfonylureas.

That said, a few links to go thro ( perhaps, you must have seen them ) :





in reply to

Thanks for respond Sir . Befre I am seen this but this is also how much believable I donot know.

If insulin produced in the body as normal then sulfunal urea may be taken it may exceess and it maybe harmful

For T2 insulin deficiency is common hence Doctorsadvised and prescribed sulfunal urea or combination of sulfunal urea+ metoformin.

But some of the peoples metoformin is not accepted their body then h take only sulfunal urea .

One great professo and HOD of Endoctinology said thatwe first givensimple oral tablet as very small dose if it isnot possible then we may give 5 mg or combination with metoformin.

O K But no issue is accurate but no doctors are also not accepted as sulfunalurea isdangerous also not given the exact figure how muchquanity is not harmful for T2persons.

But I think there is no way whether the body person is sufficinet Insluin produced or defficiency ? No Doctor cannot share it .



in reply to


I assume it is GLYNASE - MF and not GYNASE - MF.

If that is correct, it is a combination drug.

A combination of Metformin - 500 mg & Sulfonyl urea - glipizide - 5 mg.

If that is the case, it is a combination drug ( Allow me to say : I hate them - combination drugs & I don't understand why Doctors prescribe them ) and my first suggestion would be to request your Doctor to prescribe separate tablets for Metformin & separate medicine for Glipizide.

You must be aware of the effects of hypoglycemia ( low sugar ). If you are facing any symptoms of the same, the first line of action would be to begin reducing the Sulfonylurea ( Glipizide ) dose & keep the Metformin dose the same, which you can't do with a combination drug.

Try to reduce the sulfonylurea to bare minimum or if possible, even eliminate it with the help of Diet Control & Lifestyle changes.

I am not aware of the consequences of the other herbal medicines that you are taking, but I have heard, that they are good for Diabetes & I myself had gone in search of naturally growing Amruthballi.

As to my own status, I am still in the red ( my lifestyle is the cause for not getting it below 6 & I happen to be one of those lean diabetics, for whom controlling Diabetes, is not almost the same as for an Obese Diabetic ) with an

HBA1c of 6.4.

Medicines -

Metformin - 500 mg - 1- 0 - 1

Vildagliptin - 50 mg - 1 - 0 - 1

SulfonylUrea - 1.25 mg - 1/2 - 0 - 1/2

I have reached this above stage from an initial stage of

FBS - 250 range & PPBS - 350 - 400 Range ( I don't have HBA1c for this period, as I was not even aware of HBA1c at that time & I did not know what a Glucometer was ).

Metformin - 500 mg - 1 - 1 - 1

SulfonylUrea - 5 mg - 1 - 1 - 1

with the help of Diet Control.


in reply to

Thanks a lot Reycan for sharing your reports in thi sgroup so much members only advised and giving links and comment about high car and high fat but nevershared their reports BMI height wt also.

O K coming to discussion

1 I am sorry I report as mistake it is Glynase MF

2 my sugar level only 2 times variation hightly since Iamattacking CHICKEN GUNIYA viral diseass for 3 months then my nerve system of hands and legs spoils completely . After treatmenttaken then it is alright fromsince last 8 years

3 Then for variation sugar F B S 185 and PPBS 2 hour 240 250

Doctor give meTRIGLYNASE 2 it contain metoformin 500 mg + glimipride2 mg +piogilitiazone 7.5 mg afterwards it decreasesfor Bphe gives met xl AM 50/51-0-0 and ecospiran AV 75mg 0-0-1 and Temsan20 mg 0-0-1 further mt wt is64 -65 it oscillates from63to 65 kgnotdecreasing.

for which itried most effect but itcvannot possible to controlme

4 I decised from April 2014 start early morning walking for40 minutes and briskwalk from 45 to 6o minutes for very tired given to my body

5 But I geth happybut wt cannot decrease 3 kg it only1 kg .

6 Now I decided the stop diabeticmedcines and BP medicines Doctor advisenot possible .

6 But i decided to stop the medicines firstly i decreasesthe mdicine asfollows

Glkynase MF 1-0-1

Amlodac 5 mg 1-0-0

Temasan0-0-1 This is my self decsion.

And star yoga and light excercises and also follows strict diet system in which I left night dinner and taken only limited fruits .

8 For details of my diet it maybe found in this blog my news feed .

furthe I am not hesitate togive my biodata to share each other

9 Further your medicines is good Now also Iam start like your medicines can u please share which medicine name i u used Metoformin Glycomate orwelvet ?which is sulfunal urea ?

10 Can u please share yourheightwt and BMI

Now my wt as on todayis 58 kg( by reducing 64 )height 5 .3 feet

now Iam slim and happydaily doing2 hours early mornign walk brisk and yoga and full active life in my 60 years

Iam very happyto share yourdetails Once again. Thanks

in reply to


[quote @Natraj]

Thanks a lot Reycan for sharing your reports in thi sgroup


It helps us to co-relate things about our situation, based on others reports. We can check matching base parameters & if matching, adopt certain things and if not matching, not adopt.

[quote @Natraj]

1 I am sorry I report as mistake it is Glynase MF


No problem. But one has to be careful, because if there were to be another medicine by the name Gynase MF, then wrong advice could be given. Same like a Medical shop assistant mis-reading the Doctor's prescription.

[quote @Natraj]

2 my sugar level only 2 times variation hightly since Iamattacking CHICKEN GUNIYA viral diseass for 3 months then my nerve system of hands and legs spoils completely . After treatmenttaken then it is alright fromsince last 8 years

3 Then for variation sugar F B S 185 and PPBS 2 hour 240 250

Doctor give meTRIGLYNASE 2 it contain metoformin 500 mg + glimipride2 mg +piogilitiazone 7.5 mg afterwards it decreasesfor Bphe gives met xl AM 50/51-0-0 and ecospiran AV 75mg 0-0-1 and Temsan20 mg 0-0-1 further mt wt is64 -65 it oscillates from63to 65 kgnotdecreasing.

for which itried most effect but itcvannot possible to controlme


Glad you have managed to get off the Pioglitazone, as seen from your current medicines.

[quote @Natraj]

4 I decised from April 2014 start early morning walking for40 minutes and briskwalk from 45 to 6o minutes for very tired given to my body

5 But I geth happybut wt cannot decrease 3 kg it only1 kg .


Don't worry much about weight, unless you are way beyond normal range. If you feel energetic & are comfortable, then it is OK.

[quote @Natraj]

6 Now I decided the stop diabeticmedcines and BP medicines Doctor advisenot possible .

7 But i decided to stop the medicines firstly i decreasesthe mdicine asfollows

Glkynase MF 1-0-1

Amlodac 5 mg 1-0-0

Temasan0-0-1 This is my self decsion.

And star yoga and light excercises and also follows strict diet system in which I left night dinner and taken only limited fruits .


Sudden stopping of medicines is usually not advisable. Gradual reduction, with proper monitoring, is OK. Pls be careful.

[quote @Natraj]

8 For details of my diet it maybe found in this blog my news feed .

furthe I am not hesitate togive my biodata to share each other


I have checked out your details in below thread.


Good advice has been given & even your readings are pretty good. Don't see anything much to be worried about on the sugar front. The BP, you need to take care of ( If not tried, try meditation and saying "All is Well" :-D :-D Note : Both, are only supportive methods & not the solution..

Coming to you problem of being a rice / ragi eater.

See that your Vegetable accompaniment is made less spicy, to enable you to eat it just like that, without any rice or chapati. Gradually you will be able to increase the vegetable input & reduce the rice input.

One day, just try eating boiled vegetable ( any, except root vegetables ). The first day, you might not like it. Later on you will start discovering the taste of real vegetables & start enjoying it. If required, top it with a dash of lemon juice & pepper powder. This will help you in gradually reducing rice & increase the Vegetables. Try vegetable Soups.

Reduce curd & buttermilk, to minimum, if possible.

[quote @Natraj]

9 Further your medicines is good Now also Iam start like your medicines can u please share which medicine name i u used Metoformin Glycomate orwelvet ?which is sulfunal urea ?


I would never advise copying someone else's medicines. It would be dangerous. Use others information & modify it as per your requirements, after due consideration.

I will tell you what I did, when I wanted to use Pure separate tablets for Metformin & Pure Sulfonylf Urea.

Just before my visit to Doctor was due,

I looked behind the Combination medicine packet & noted down the Components & their weight.

For eg. In your case : Glynase MF

Metformin 500 mg

Glipizide 5 mg.

I then did a google search for Metformin tablets & Glipizide tablets.

With this information in my pocket, I went to the medical shop from which I buy medicines & then showed him the list & found out what was available & noted them.

I made it a point to ask for the minimum glipizide tablet available i.e. found out if he had Glipizide - 1mg or 2 mg or 2.5 mg or 5 mg. If not asked him whether he could get if required. The point behind this is : Instead of taking 5 mg 1 tablet, I could start taking 2.5 mg - 2 tablets & once I found my sugar dropping, I could shift to 2.5 mg - 1 tablet & later on 1/2 tablet of 2.5 mg, ... I hope you get the idea.

After getting all this info, during my regular Doctor's visit, I suggested to my Doctor for prescribing separate Metformin & Glipizide tablets, telling him, that I want to reduce Glipizide slowly, but when I try to reduce & see what happens, the Metformin also gets reduced because of Combination drug, which I don't want to reduce..

The reaction of the Doctor, It is OK, but you will have to take 2 tablets instead of 1. I told him, It's OK. Then he started thinking about the names for separate tablets & I helped him with the names available at my Chemist, out of which he selected & wrote the prescription.

The moral of the story " Help Your Doctor to Help You.". There is only so much a Doctor can do for you. He / She doesn't stay with us 24 hrs. It is we who have to give him / her total support to enable them to help us.

[quote @Natraj]

10 Can u please share yourheightwt and BMI


Height - 5'10" ; Weight - 54 kgs

My BMI is 17.1

[quote @Natraj]

Now my wt as on todayis 58 kg( by reducing 64 )height 5 .3 feet

now Iam slim and happydaily doing2 hours early mornign walk brisk and yoga and full active life in my 60 years


That is great news & do keep it up.

Thanks & All the Best.

in reply to


Forgot mentioning about your Breakfast.

Check out if below link is of any use :


In that, try out

1 )Besan ka Cheela,


2) in the 51 Dosa Recipes Link

check out

Set Dosa

Quick Dosa

Mixed Dal Dosa

Musti Dosa

Pesarat Dosa

3) Other items suggested ( not from the Dosa link )

and see how they spike your sugar.


in reply to

Thanks forrespond Recyan As medicaltablets I am also usingsame method Doctors prescribed combination medcines firstly I take one slip of tentables only afterward ifound th combination and go to medicalshop and ask the same combination tablets for differentcompany for chief rates and select as cheap as possible tablet The contenis the same some company by nameand propaganda they raise the rats

Without medical checkupagain inDecdmber I may not decreses the tablets and consult with Doctor with Test reports.

further your BMI is very low less than normal value of 18

My Bmi is 22.6 I want to reduce from2 or 3 g and stcick on 55 this is my intention.

any person whatever say my intentionis to control the BS level to normal and this iam making experiments inmy hom only withglucometer and selected food and checkPPBS.

further now also I am changing my breakfast only 1 or 2 days Idli or dosa and remaining 5 days it is channa dal moongdalor bengal dalor kabuldal or round half boiled andmake masaal ( usli ) However the dish of south Indian vegitarian is highy tasty and it also tempt to much eating . Here our mind to be constant and we may follows strict diet .


in reply to


As for the Combination tablet, Glynase MF, I as thinking in terms of asking the chemist for a tablet that contains only Metformin 500 mg. Some names that come to mind are Glucophage, Glumetza, Fortamet, etc.

Next ask the chemist for tablets containing only Glipizide - 5 mg or Glipizide - 2.5 mg. Off hand, one name that crops up is Glucotrol.

Then with the Doctors permission, start taking Metformin 500 mg - 1 tablet & Glipizide - 5 mg - 1 tablet in place ( instead ) of Glynase MF.

Take care, You might perhaps immediately experience low sugar symptoms. In this case start reducing dose of Glipizide by breaking it in to half.

As far as you Diet is concerned, you are on the right track by using Glucometer & monitoring.

The important thing is " Be aware at all times as to what is happening ( whether high, low or normal sugar ) & Be in control of your Diabetes."

Thanks & All the Best.

in reply to

Thanks for your sincere infirmation. u r not using metoformin dosae either before or after . some Doctors says itis not prblem whenever u consume umay consume immediately after meals or beofe 5 minutes to meals . Please clarify Sorry from last 3 days my computer and internet is full problems and this blog cannot open to start and other blogs also sorry late reply Thanks

in reply to


The first thing about any medicine is to google for its literature & read about it & the way it is to be taken. I am talking about the literature of the medicine itself & not some site giving information.

For eg. There are some tablets that loose their effectiveness, if broken & then there are some tablets that have to be chewed & not swallowed.

That said, taking medicines before or after meals, If either is allowed, as said by the Doctor.

Certain people are not able to tolerate metformin on empty stomach i.e. just before meals. These people prefer to take it after meals.

I usually prefer taking medicines after the first bite of the meal. The reason : Suppose, I am taking it 5 minutes before meal and a telephone call comes or some guests, etc turn up at the door, I may get involved with that & absentmindedly, delay taking my meals which in turn might lead to low sugar due to the medicines already taken ( specially with insulin, sulfonylureas, pioglitazone, etc ). I have a set a rule for myself. Once I have taken the first bite, I will not get up from my meals for anything, even for receiving calls. Of Course earthquakes, fires, etc are an exception. :-D Only one thing, we have to note is, we should not be taking some hot liquid in the meals ( if we are taking the tablets before ), which might start dissolving the tablets faster as compared to its natural life-cycle. For eg. During breakfast, I usually take the tablets after having the tea, as having before & then gulping down hot tea, might affect the natural life-cycle of the tablet, by dissolving it partly faster. All above is my personal logic & not based on any scientific research paper or anything.

Apart from all above, don't worry on too much perfection, as the very people who are advising us on many things, cannot themselves be sure about anything, but only portray themselves, as being sure or have convinced themselves, as being sure.


norreal profile image
norreal in reply to

Right now you take my word for it. US internist fear law suits so their official line and private advice to someone they trust are different. I will get the links from former colleagues with whom I worked on health care products. I can email you some things that on account of graphics can not be posted here (screen shot did not work, may be I get my wife to micro it on the camera) or I email to you. efar52@gmail.com

so many tablets,and still not controlled,what is waste

in reply to


Your post appears to be a reply against the Original Post by @norreal. However, since there is no mention of tablets in that post, I assume, it is a reply to some other post in this thread, which mentions tablets.

Going ahead on that basis,

I assume, you are a diabetic who is managing his diabetes with minimum / no medicines.

Can you please let us know your current diabetic status in terms of HBA1c, the medicines for diabetes, if you are taking any & the diet and Lifestyle that you follow, which helps you maintain your Diabetes under control ?


shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to


Do you think you will get any reply for this? I don't think so. :)

And the post is deliberately not replied to post which mentions about tablets. So one can claim afterwards that it is not specific to anyone.

in reply toshrisamarth


Nice to see you. Miss your insights. :)

As to my posting the questions, the post by @rksharmakumar, merited a query and I happened to notice it.

Getting a reply to the questions, would be helpful to all in the forum.

As to no reply, it's @rksharmakumar's choice.


shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to

Purpose of the forum is to help each other. No one is in master's seat. People come here for solutions which they may not be getting from their doctors. So suggesting general guidelines becomes useless for them. Everyone is interested in personal experience.

Your communication with Nataraj is good example of experience sharing.

in reply toshrisamarth


Thanks. I can definitely, from the bottom of my heart, say the same about you.

The whole purpose of being a member of this & other similar forums, is to share our experiences & help each other, in this journey of life.


norreal profile image

I am a little out of loop here! (Lots of pending emails away from this thread too). I have at two occasions put out my diet plan that I followed which helped me reach A1C of 6.0% from 11.6% within 2014 (I took metformin whilst going to a party only after my score came down to 6.0%) The secret that worked for me was reducing by half the calorie through carbs which was at 65% level in 2012-2013 + frequent eating (2 snacks between dinner and breakfast) efar52@gmail.com

SEE Your blog here which mentioned metformin etc.etc twice or thrice a day,regarding my readings etc.this is due next end of month,i regularly check my glucose on my home meter which varies from 80-81mg/dl.to 130-135mg/dl.

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