Nothing has succeeded like LOW CARB HIGH FAT Diet here on this forum for managing diabetes on lower or zero drugs and also lowering or eliminating drugs for LIPIDS/Cholesterol. There were more than 150 INDIAN diabetics on LCHF by August 2014 and the number has swelled to 400+
This is a great news for any diabetic (except for countable few here)
The most important aspect is that we share OUR OWN EXPERIENCE when it comes to dealing with Low Carb High Fat diet. We don't cling onto some 5 day research on mice in lab or some ADA funded one week study. We listen to practitioners and not theoreticians because no Textbook knowledge can ever replace "EXPERIENCE"
However, those who have never understood LCHF start bashing FAT. I say never understood as they never ever lived by that diet. The FAT bashing starts and when they do they aren't even prepared to look at positive trajectory of MEDICAL REPORTS that diabetics on LCHF share.
Here are 7 MOST common reactions that come from such critics and here's how to respond to them -- because LOW CARB HIGH FAT DIET is SAFE:
Read more:
So unless a diabetic on LCHF is telling you that LCHF has ruined his/her numbers, better not believe all the "propaganda" against LCHF. There's no proof to what they say.