Can I request Low Carbohydrate High Fat Diet (LCHF) Diet followers to share their daily routine diet for the benefit of the DM Community.
Low Carbohydrate High Fat Diet (LCHF) - Diabetes India
Low Carbohydrate High Fat Diet (LCHF)

I have been taking simple route of reducing carbo and increasing vegetables and pulses. No set diiet but conscious reduction of carbs. Of no sweets or sugar in any form. Could reduce medicine by 3/4th. Trials with zero medicines for past two weeks show progressive increase in fbs while pp somehow is within limits. This is surprising since earlier it used to be the otherway. Looking critically at evening meal and will review whether to go back to reduced medicine (1/2 tab glynase mf at night) which was giving good control and sugar levels as good as non diabetic.
Add following data. Age 62 thinly built type 2 for last 13 years. Not workng but moderately active. Walking twice week. No other complications.
Need to know the effects after a little longer time. I am convinced that low carb plus excercise can bring down the blood glucose levels to normal limits. This I have achieved without medinine for the last three months. What I really want learn from you are your (1) lipid profile and (2) A1C values before and after taking to high fat diet.
This will be helpful for many of us to remove the fear of taking to fat fat.
What is portion? How to measure it?