It is true even for diabetic care and management.We are not even caring to understand the magnitude of the problem as far as diabetic management is concerned.So awareness has to be created among people especially who are present day diabetics as well as future date diabetics.
India is going to the world capital of diabetics.What we fail to understand that while in the West DM is growing at the rate of about 15%,we while here it will grow at the rate of 40%.
As a responsible citizen, it our duty to contribute, if we are in a position,to help firstly by making people aware and then educating about DM and it's complications .Then only help them in avoiding,preventing and managing DM and it's complications.
There are many beneficiaries of a diet plan LCHF in this forum.So an endeavour was made to formulate a cost effective diet plan based on LCHF .It was so disappointing to note when some wrote that it is an impossible task.It was more painful as without making even an effort surrender was declared.
Here if a meaningful discussion had taken place some positive must have been the outcome.Beginning of an idea is always vague and blurred, as new input starts coming very slowly picture gets clearing up.But giving up even without giving a try is a Bloch on us.