Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for July 2019

Apomorphin and L Dopa, both s.c.

Has anybody tested this new therapeutic option? In Autria as apoorphinr and D-mi...

Dihexa Peptide

Has anyone heard of the regenerative Peptide called Dihexa? I had an appointmen...
twss profile image

A useful video on protein, detoxing, MTHFR, fatty liver, neurotransmitters by Ari Whitten and Chris Masterjohn. This is w...
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CBD Oil for Parkinson’s

CBD doesn’t have the psychoactive benefits of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannab...
Farooqji profile image

Neuroscientist: Skip breakfast sometimes and 2 other simple tips to boost your brain performance

I am

Has anyone else have side effects using rytary. Since i started it (3-4weeks ago...
Kipper1285 profile image

New Research

New research
M-o-ggy profile image

Still not convinced it’s PD

Further to my previous post about Madopar not working I’ve decided to wean mysel...
PWal profile image

Can C/L and venlaxafine ( effexor/ SSNRI) possibly be the reason I experience some symptoms ?,?

I really need some advice. I think perhaps some of my symptoms may be caused by...
moparkie715 profile image

Has anyone tried an osteopath for rigid shoulders and loss of dexterity in your hands?

One of my husband’s most annoying problem for him is the loss of dexterity meani...
LAJ12345 profile image

Analysis of the TMEM230 gene in familial Parkinson's disease from south Italy
Farooqji profile image

B Vitamins

Taking high dose B1. Should additional B vitamins, or just a general B complete...
Mjm012 profile image

EPDA Carers Survey - New Dutch version now available!

Help us shine a light on the challenges facing Parkinson's carers – by taking pa...

Good results from a small clinical trial of a thermal brain stimulation device for Parkinson's disease

Non-invasive: puts warm air in one ear and cool air in the other ear. Simila...
jeffreyn profile image

Primer Information Sheet on Parkinson’s Meds
Hidden profile image

New study on NAC and PD

rond56 profile image

News from Linda Ronstadt

I was sorry -- and surprised -- to read in today's Wall Street Journal that sing...
Beckey profile image

Parkinson's Foundation Launches First-of-its-Kind Free Genetic Testing Initiative for People with Parkinson's Disease
Farooqji profile image

The naturally occurring molecule N-acetylcysteine (NAC) shows benefit in a clinical trial for Parkinson's Disease.

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a naturally occurring molecule that replenishes one of...
Farooqji profile image

Athira Pharma Presents Preliminary Results from Phase 1 Trial of NDX-1017 at Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2019 (AAIC)

While the compound shows promise for a range of neurodegenerative diseases, incl...

Selegiline and the CHEESE REACTION

I've been taking Selegiline for the past two months and have had halfway decent ...

Article on diet


Here is a link to good legitimate information on using cannabis for Parkinson's ...
ladyaudree profile image

Pneumonia Vaccine - any experience with it helping or having side effects. Concern with aluminum

My husband has PD and is 67 yrs old. His internal med doc recommended he get th...
Ahopeful profile image

Mucuna 40% -100% LDOPA? B1 regimen - thoughts?

Hi all! PD symptoms 3/15; DX 2017 - DX marginal (per my Neuro) due to not having...
MissRita profile image

Cold, sweaty tingly feeling after breakfast

Today after eating his breakfast at 9.45 my husband said he got a cold tinglin...
LAJ12345 profile image

Alcoholism and Parkinsons

I'm curious if anyone is brave enough to talk about Alcohol Use Disorder and its...
Stazina profile image

Homocysteine: friend or foe?

Those who are canny will recognize that homocysteine levels can be elevated by t...
ElliotGreen profile image

Cysteamine as a novel disease-modifying compound for Parkinson's disease: Over a decade of research supporting a clinical trial.

The molecule cystamine, and its reduced form cysteamine, act via a number of pat...
Farooqji profile image

Rytary versus Sinemet

My doctor wants me to switch to Rytary from Sinemet. Can those of you who hav...
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