Has anyone heard of the regenerative Peptide called Dihexa?
I had an appointment with my Endocrinologist and Functional Medicine Dr. Edwin Lee at Institute of Hormonal Balance in Orlando.
He has seen great results.
Has anyone heard of the regenerative Peptide called Dihexa?
I had an appointment with my Endocrinologist and Functional Medicine Dr. Edwin Lee at Institute of Hormonal Balance in Orlando.
He has seen great results.
I had never heard of it but found this by googling "Dihexa" and "Parkinson's", which seems rather encouraging:
The results of this study confirmed this hypothesis, demonstrating that Dihexa, given by abdominal injection or orally, completely restored lost motor function. Moreover, staining for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a marker for the dopamine neurons that were lost following chemical lesioning, returned to near normal after 34 days of treatment.
..."Dihexa that shows promise in overcoming memory and motor dysfunctions by augmenting synaptic connectivity via the formation of new functional synapses."
Indeed, peptides have become very popular nowadays. It has been proven that it actually accelerates many processes and improves your body and health quality. I ordered some on kaotikpeptides.com/ for my own use, and I really was pleased. But at the same time, I think that consumption of such preparations must be limited. Everything must be approached reasonably and without fanaticism. We do not know your health situation; perhaps you should seek the opinion of another doctor.
When was this study, recent?
Will you enable to have the treatment?
Did Dr. Lee prescribed you Dihexa or did he just mention it?
Thank you
New peptide. Some issues with this peptide you should discuss with your doctor if he wants to go forward with it.
Link to what?
Better, much better to ask Dr. Lee or one of his associates whether or not they have used this peptide on PD patients and what have been the results, duration of use, adverse effects, etc.
I will say one other thing...this is a peptide not a hormone which activates growth hormones (HGF). As a endocrinologist (internal medicine) he should explain the difference and why he is even thinking about using it. Ask him to differentiate between peptides and hormones. Ask him how he knows Dihexia crosses the BBB.
I am a Ph.d. biochemist, not an internal med-endocrinologist MD, but I know what a rat study is and its inherent shortcomings which apparently is a mystery to many.
I forgot to ask...what is Dr. Lee's method for your use of Dihexa? Liquid, oral, injection? What is the dosage per day?
Does your insurance cover the cost? If not, what is your projected cost out of pocket?
I have to address one issue where I believe I was technically incorrect, which is whether or not Dihexa is a peptide. Technically, it is a angiotensin-based small molecule and presumably also a peptide. Extremely effective in rat studies at forming new neurons.
Oral. 2mg Ins. No.
I would like to know how he arrived at 2 mgs per day. Harding (at least from what I gather) never suggested an ideal dose for human use. However, I have heard of and talked to individuals taking up to as much a 50 milligrams per day.
Please do not take this information as a suggestion to do anything contrary to Dr. Le's instruction.
What about results from Dihexa ? Did you have any ?