Hello - first time posting here and looking for some advice.
I recently had a bout of what .I had previously been told was dysentery for the third time in 5 years, where I spend 18 hours V&D passing quite a lot of blood. My gp finally sent off tests this time which have come back negative for infection but fecal calprotectin of around 780, high crp, my ferritin has gone up to 386 and my folate has dropped to only just in range - my folate had dropped too low last summer with no explanation which I now think was probably connected. I had a fit test done 3 weeks later which also came back positive. There is a strong suspicion based on the tests and my history that I have IBD but no diagnosis yet.
Despite my tests coming back marked refer urgently to gastroenterology my gp totally messed up. I was only referred after I asked because they missed it and then they did it under the cancer pathway when apparently it should have been on a different gastro one. They also forgot to send in the urgent form for the 2 week wait team until I chased it 2 weeks later when I hadn’t heard anything and finally sent it just before the bank holiday weekend, delaying it further.
So to cut a long story short I have a colonoscopy booked for Monday afternoon which is some 3 weeks later than it should have been and I’m now crossing everything that there is still enough evidence visible to get a confirmed diagnosis and I’m hoping for some tips to help find the best way of making it go smoothly.
I have the prep to start from 6pm Sunday so my plan is to start reducing my intake from today. I had in my head to go with eating small amounts f toast, soup and either pasta or rice today, tomorrow and until around 2pm Sunday but if anyone can give any other advice to make that part as painless as possible that would be much appreciated.
Also I find if I’m not eating I get really shaky when my blood sugars drop and start to get bad acid. Does anyone know if I’d be ok drinking something like lucosade sport to help minimise it?
Many thanks in advance and crossing everything that I finally get some answers next week 🤞🏻