Hi. I have mild to moderate UC. My calprotectin test results were 20 in May. I am on Pentasa tablets, suppository and enema daily. I am bleeding, nauseous and so exhausted. I am tempted to start taking vitamin b complex. I am having a sigmoidoscopy in a couple of weeks. All my bloods are normal. Anyone out there found they help with fatigue? Thank yoi
Vitamin B: Hi. I have mild to moderate... - Crohn's and Colit...
Vitamin B

I would recommend that you ask your GP to do a B12 test. If you are low in B12 then you will feel more tired or even exhausted and, once your B12 is back at correct levels, it only takes 1 injection per month to keep you topped up.

Taking B complex wont make a difference in tablet form, esp if your levels are normal. They are water soluable vitamins so will be excreted in urine/stools.
I understand your frustration, my bloods are normal despite having a faecal cal of over 600 and colonoscopy that shows active pancolitis!
Unfortunately fatigue is part and parcel of IBD. It is an autoimmune disease so your body is fighting against itself 24/7, just think how tired you have been before having a virus for few days - IBD is continuous though xx
I am having a sigmoidoscopy soon. How can they tell if un is active. My calprotectin test is normal. I wonder whether he’ll try me on azathioprine
Because of the latest area of damage to intestines I have to have the B12 Injections, I also take Vit D3 supplements, do not get out enough for enough sun on skin to make this. Has made a difference to how I feel. I also use the rehydration sachets, with slightest sign of the runs, especially in the hotter and humid weather. With all this, still have days of high fatigue, in which case I sleep.
How often do you get the b12 injection?
Thanks for your reply. Oddly I don’t suffer from diarrhoea. I don’t know which is worse. The fatigue tends to be at its worse on waking but gets better later on. 6 pm now and I could run a marathon. Joke!
Took me best part of 2 years to get over UC - I'd had sepsis with it too - I was warned it would take a very long time to recover, but hadn't expected the draining effects that I felt.
I've never slept during the day, but did then for most of the day, and for many months.
That was late 2015/16, and remission happened, but not without discomfort and continuing weariness, which isn't helped by developing asthma a year ago, and finding that quite exhausting too. (wouldn't care, I'd just got my muscle strength back a little, and even bought a water rowing machine last April - which I can't use now). Can't even walk my young dog far either, and I used to love those walks.
If my experience is anything to go by, UC literally knocked me sideways! I still fall asleep for the odd hour during the day, even though I try not too.
Perhaps it's just a case of readjusting, and accepting that some days may be more tiresome than others - if all test results are acceptable of course.
Thanks for your comments. I realise that my UC is mild but I struggle to accept it.
Hello again. I have high cholesterol and was given statins with horrible side effects. I stopped them as I didn’t need that top of everything else. Anyway, I started taking co-enzyme Q10 and a high dose of vitamin D: 1600mg a day. I don’t know whether it’s a fluke but I am not exhausted recently despite still having loss of blood.