A few days ago (Saturday 25th of November) I got very unwell with severe stomach, cramps, diarrhoea, weakness and hot sweats. I had to take all of my clothes off and lie on the bathroom floor and had diarrhoea for around three hours (this has happened to me in the past with no answers other than that I have IBS)
However, unlike previous times where I’ve experienced this, at around 3 am this turned to only blood & mucus with no stools. On Sunday I went to the toilet around 11 times and every time it was just blood and mucus no stool. I went to the doctors on Monday and was told it was probably diverticulitis but had no tests performed. My mother has very aggressive, ulcerative colitis, and I mentioned this to the doctor.
I feel very nauseous and unable to eat. I’ve got low stomach cramps and low back pain and yesterday I passed quite a large clot (shown on the toilet paper in my photos) which really scared me.
I have another telephone appointment with a different doctor today but I have severe anxiety and I’m really struggling. I will attach some photos. I’m really sorry to be so graphic but I’m very scared at this point
Today I feel quite weak, nauseas, still cramping but don’t seem to be going to the toilet even though I feel like I have urgency to do so I’m scared every time I go to the toilet as I’m scared about losing more blood
My mum thinks I may have colitis like herself, but the fear of not knowing is scaring me in case something sinister is going on. Do these photos look like flareups anyone else has had? I will push for tests when I speak to the doctor