Wimped out of running after my early shifts as got cold on the commute home, the wind and greyness seeming to chill to the bone; and as I can neveer sleep well befor eearly shifts ( have averaged 3 hours a night this week) felt exhausted!
Got up late on my first day off; ate a banana, into running gear and of I went, jogged straight from the door as couldn't be bothered to faff around with starting Imap after the warm up; ran my usual 5k route, still didn't make it all the way up the big hill (grrr!) but the run felt ok considering I had been a couch potato for 4 days...
Got home and was happy to see Imap showed me knocked 90 seconds off my best time so far for this route; and am now over 4 minutes faster than my Parkrun time, even though I must have spent a minute making sure Imap was working then getting the phone safely tucked away and strapped into my armband thingamy!!!
It's daughters hen night tonight (Good Friday) so don't think I will be up to Parkrun on Saturday (have only had 2 glasses of wine since Christmas, so Lord knows how I will cope with being out to dinner then pub, then who knows where!!! Next run planned for Sunday, relatives and Easter allowing!
Just checked out the Questions page and got distracted by the 5x50 Tshirts; had to order one even though I don't think it will fit ( XL/16) why do they think larger/fatter people don't run??? Was pleased to hit 25lbs weight lost so far last week, and this week purchased new scaffolding (bra) for under my dress for the wedding in 2 weeks time in one back size smaller and two cup sizes smaller; but think that 5x50 logo may be stretched a little too far! If so I will keep the t shirt safe and wear it with pride in a couple of stone less come late 'summer'/autumn