Got in from w9r1 a couple of hrs ago. Not a very eventful run, my early start didn't happen this morning so ventured out after work on my familiar early weeks route. Forgot to do my stretches first so hoped nothing would sieze up too much. As usual felt a bit worn out until the first 10 mins had passed,decided to detour to extend the route, got part way and then decided a change of plan(indecisive- ME?!!) and went along and up a (slight!) hill to catch back onto my return route as originally planned! felt too hot with coat on, then after a while too cold with it off! No pleasing me! Think i will have to invest in a gilet i've decided! only 10 mins to go so sped up a little(as much as i felt was possible!) and soon it was all over! As always not easy going but i was pleased to get my first run of week 9 over -Hurrah!!!! Nice calm weather this time but a bit more of an up and down route so equally worn out as i was the other day!Nice and sweaty by the time i got in but bath and pancakes later, i'm feeling human again!
Week 9 run 1 done! now for those last 2.......... - Couch to 5K
Week 9 run 1 done! now for those last 2...............!!

Great! The end is getting so close now isn't it? I'm a week and a day behind you and it struck me when I got back from my Wk7 R3 tonight that I only have 6 runs to go. I can't believe it. I think I'll feel a bit emotional my last week.
Good luck for those last toe runs. I'll look forward to seeing your graduation post!
Brilliant - you are so close to the finish now. What are your plans for post c25k? I am two weeks behind you, but already feel that I will need something to keep pushing me on after the 9 weeks of the programme.
I was going to do mainly 5 k runs, maybe extend it a little once a week to start with. Might download the next podcasts to see what it all about! Driving on way home from work just now was devising a schedule to keep me focused, i think the routine aspect works well for me :)Good luck for your 2 weeks to come....

Well done. You'll enjoy the last 2. Really you will.

Nice one Aliboo, well done! You are so nearly there. Glad you got to enjoy pancakes too- thats a bonus! I am off on my final run of week 9 today so hopefully will be posting all about it later. I'm so excited! x

I've just done my last run for Wk8 not felt too bad, so now onto Wk9 here I come! I really can't believe how far I've come since those first weeks. I'd never have believed that I'd be able to run for 28 mins yet alone 2! I'm so looking forward to finishing this programme and starting the next and achieving my goal of doing my park run for mother's day. Fingers crossed!