I have come to the sudden, and a little depressing, realisation that I can no longer eat what I want and have it burnt up immediately by an adolescent metabolism. This is it. The time people told me would come. I am now officially "grown up" (in the physical sense. I doubt I ever will be mentally.) and need to either stop my addiction to pasta and other cheap sources of carbohydrates or do something to stop them landing neatly around my middle. As a uni student the first is not a very sensible option. Pasta is my life. So when I saw the c25k programe it seemed a good idea as I have not exercised past the compulsory high school exercise that I took part in with very little enthusiasm. I plan to run w1r1 tomorrow some time so if I don't blog about it tomorrow night mildly bullying/berating messages and comments would be much appreciated.
Bye for now.