I've been calling myself a runner from week 1, but it is now official. Thank you Laura!
Thanks to Fingalo's post about going out to run at 5am (no way), I made myself go out, despite really not feeling like it at all, and being rather unsure whether I could keep going for 25 minutes non-stop. But the programme usually works, so...
As in other recent runs, from about minute 7 to 10 I was thinking it was all too much, but kept going as I presumed it would get better eventually. Then Laura asked how I'm feeling - my response: "Who cares - just tell me how much I've done", and then she told me and I waved my arms and yelled 'I love you, Laura!' as I'd been going longer than I'd thought. Luckily I was on the outskirts of the village, with nobody around.
The rest was fine, although I hadn't calculated on the High School turning out just as I got back into the village. Loads of cars and buses, and pavements teeming with teenagers. So running in the road was out, and running on the pavement was out. I could have turned round and run back out of the village, but it would have meant a much longer cooldown walk. So I ended up running the last five minutes on a snowy verge, having to pick my feet up - and moving faster, albeit not much faster, than the teenagers were walking.
No rude comments either - though I'm probably so uncool as to be invisible.
So I am now feeling rather pleased with myself, and much chirpier than I was an hour ago. And it is snowing again. The Fieldfare isn't particularly relevant to the run, though I did see one sitting by the road.